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Investigation by Nick Backovic and Joe Ondrak.


As we already know, conspiracy theories can come in various forms and degrees of maliciousness, ranging from the innocuous to the politically motivated and outright dangerous. Some of them may even contain a kernel of truth.  In other cases, conspiracy theories can be used as an effective recruitment tool in a wider grift, where the main purpose of the disinformation being pushed will be to convert people’s beliefs into financial profit. Predictably, in times of economic uncertainty, demand for a sense of hope—even the false kind—soars; add a pandemic and a lockdown to the mix and it can quickly create a ripe terrain for financial scams looking to exploit people’s need for that hope by promising get-rich-quick schemes and sky-high returns on investment. The possible repercussions are frightening to even think about. 

 私たちがすでに知っているように、陰謀論には様々な形や悪意の度合いがあり、無邪気なものから政治的に動機づけられたもの、危険なものまで様々なものがあります。その中には、真実の核心を含んでいるものもあるかもしれない。 他のケースでは、陰謀論は、人々の信念を金銭的利益に変換することが主な目的となるような、より広範な詐欺の効果的な勧誘ツールとして使用することができます。予測可能なことですが、「経済の不確実性が高い時代には、希望への需要が急上昇」します。それにパンデミックやロックダウンが加わると、「一攫千金や高額な投資収益を約束すること」で、「人々の希望へのニーズを悪用しようとする金融詐欺の格好の場」がすぐにできあがります。考えてみると、考えてみるだけでも恐ろしいほどの反響があります。


Over these past few months, conspiracies about an imminent global economic reset, a mysterious act named NESARA, and a new era of gold-backed cryptocurrency to be ushered in by Donald Trump have been seeing a surge in popularity on social media. If any of this  sounds  remotely familiar to some of you, it may be because NESARA has been around for decades, fooling thousands (and counting) since first making an appearance in the late 1990s.



In the 1990s, Harvey Francis Barnard proposed a set of economic reforms centered around ideas such as debt forgiveness and an overhaul of the monetary system, mainly conducted as an academic exercise towards his doctoral degree. Barnard, who believed that debt was the largest inhibitor to U.S. economic growth, drafted these proposals in his self-published book Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform in 1996, sending copies to every member of Congress. These were, however, largely ignored and never actually introduced before Congress, so Barnard published them online under a new title Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.

 1990年代、ハーベイ・フランシス・バーナードは、主に「博士号取得に向けた学術的な演習として」債務免除や金融システムの見直しなどを中心とした経済改革を提案した。バーナードは「借金が米国の経済成長の最大の阻害要因である」と考え、これらの提言を自費出版した『Draining the Swamp』の中で起草している。1996年に自著『Draining Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform』でこれらの提案を起草し、すべての議員にコピーを送った。しかし、これらの提案はほとんど無視され、実際に議会に提出されることはなかったため、バーナード氏は『Draining the Swamp』という新しいタイトルでオンラインで公開した。そして『NESARA Story - Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform(金融財政政策改革)』という新しいタイトルで出版された。

What was possibly meant as a post-mortem publication of the NESARA story ended up mutating into a piece of conspiratorial mythology that would go on to have a life of its own, far removed from Barnard’s original concepts or intentions. A ‘cybercult queen’ by the name of Shaini Candace Goodwin, a.k.a. "Dove of Oneness,” became one of NESARA’s most vocal champions, but it was her seeding of the conspiratorial element that would in the end reel in and swindle thousands: according to Goodwin, a law implementing NESARA had by then already covertly been passed, by President Bill Clinton, and was to be implemented on the morning of September 11, 2001, but ultimately sabotaged by the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, which she claimed were orchestrated by then-president George W. Bush. In other words, debt forgiveness had been approved, it was coming, but the evil powers-that-be were doing the unthinkable to make sure it never reached you.


In a 2004 piece for the News Tribune, Sean Robinson, who reported extensively on Goodwin and NESARA at the time, noted that on September 11, 2001, mere hours after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, Dove “posted the message that made her a star”: "The three targets today were ALL connected to NESARA and the banking changes. I just learned that at 9:00 a.m. in New York this morning, there was an IMPORTANT banking activity set to be activated in the IMF international banking computer center in the World Trade Center! This was obviously WHY the World Trade Center was attacked TODAY at just before and after 9:00 a.m.! ... The orders for these plane attacks came from U.S. citizens who are trying to stop our deliveries/funding and NESARA."

 当時、グッドウィンとNESARAについて広く報道していたショーン・ロビンソンは、2004年にニューズ・トリビューン紙に寄稿した記事の中で、2001年9月11日、世界貿易センターペンタゴン同時多発テロのわずか数時間後に、ダブ(グッドウィンのこと)が「彼女をスターにしたメッセージを投稿した」と指摘している。「(グッドウィン)今日の3つの標的は、すべてNESARAと銀行の変化に関連しています。今日の3つのターゲットは、すべてNESARAと銀行の変更に関連しています。今朝9時にニューヨークで、世界貿易センターにあるIMF国際銀行のコンピュータセンターで、重要な銀行活動が開始される予定だったことを知りました。ワールドトレードセンターが今日の午前9時前後に攻撃されたのは、明らかにこのためです! ... これらの飛行機攻撃の命令は、私たちの配送や資金供給、NESARAを止めようとしている米国市民からのものでした」と。

As Robinson noted, Goodwin’s legion of followers bought into her story en masse. Prompted by Goodwin, they would go on to “send letters, postcards and e-mails to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Pentagon, Congress and the halls of international justice (…) wave banners, pass out fliers and hold demonstrations on three continents, demanding announcement of a secret law that doesn't exist, anticipating the delivery of easy fortunes that never come.” Goodwin, who had already by then already “declared bankruptcy at least once,” owed the IRS $12,000, and lived in her mother's mobile home, claimed to have connections with “highly placed sources among leaders of government and high finance” and “knowledge of a war between the forces of good and evil over the secret NESARA law.” 


Barnard promptly distanced himself from Goodwin by publishing a note on the NESARA website. "If you believe any of that,” he wrote, “you might also want to start looking for oceanfront property in Nebraska.” But to Goodwin, as well as to her followers, Barnard’s approval—or lackthereof—mattered very little at that point. Goodwin had an explanation: "WHY would the people at the NESARA website commit 'TREASON punishable by DEATH' by telling anyone who writes them that NESARA secretly passed in March, 2000?" And so NESARA lived on in its mutated conspiratorial form despite Barnard’s attempts to squash it.

 早速、バーナードはNESARAのウェブサイトに注意書きを掲載して、グッドウィンとの関係を解消した。「もし、その内容を信じるならば、ネブラスカ州の海沿いの土地を探し始めたほうがいいかもしれません」と書いている。しかし、グッドウィンにとっても、彼女のフォロワーにとっても、バーナードが承認するかしないかは、その時点ではほとんど重要ではなかったのである。グッドウィンには理由があった。NESARAのウェブサイトの人々は、2000年3月にNESARAが密かに成立したことを手紙で誰にでも伝えることで、「なぜ "死刑に値する反逆罪 "を犯したのだろうか」。こうしてNESARAは、バーナードが潰そうとしたにもかかわらず、変異した陰謀論的な形で生き続けたのである。

The Omega connection(オメガコネクション)

It’s unclear just how much money Goodwin managed to swindle out of her followers, but it would appear that her involvement in another infamous scam just a few years earlier served as a blueprint for some aspects of what Goodwin did—or at least intended to do—with NESARA. In some of her early writings, Goodwin referred to herself as an “Omega investor” who waited for her "prosperity deliveries just like everyone else” and discussed communications with Omega founder, Clyde Hood.


Started in 1994 by 66-year-old retired electrician Clyde D. Hood, the “sham investment fund” Omega Trust and Trading ended up defrauding over 10,000 followers of a total of over  $12.5 million. Hood had targeted a predominantly devout Christian audience using a similar strategy used later by Goodwin and countless others—claiming secret insider knowledge—in his case a “vision from God to help the little guy,” as well as making up Fortune 500 connections and promising “50-to-1” returns on investments. For years, Hood talked of a payoff that was “just around the corner,” blaming any delay that would arise on “bankers or the government.” Hood was eventually prosecuted and found guilty of fraud, in court admitting that Omega was a straight-up scam and that the connections were fabricated. But when attorneys tried to reach Omega’s investors, they quickly realized that many of them, urged by Dove and others to stay silent, had no interest in cooperating with the police or government, still believing that a payoff was coming.

 66歳の退職した電気技師クライド・D・フッドが1994年に始めた「偽の投資ファンド」( Omega Trust and Trading ) は、最終的に1万人以上の信者から合計1250万ドル以上を詐取しました。フッドは、後にグッドウィンをはじめとする数多くの人物が用いた同様の戦略を用いて、主に敬虔なキリスト教徒をターゲットにしていた。秘密のインサイダー知識(フッドの場合は「小人を助けるための神からのビジョン」)を主張し、フォーチュン500社のコネを作り、「50対1」の投資リターンを約束していたのだ。フッドは何年にもわたって、「すぐそこまで来ている」という報酬の話をし、それが遅れた場合には「銀行員や政府」のせいにした。結局、フードは起訴され、詐欺罪で有罪となった。法廷では、オメガは真っ当な詐欺であり、人脈は捏造されたものだと認めた。しかし、弁護士がオメガの投資家に連絡を取ろうとしたとき、彼らの多くは、ダブ(グッドウィン)らに黙っているように促され、警察や政府に協力する気はなく、報酬が得られると信じていることにすぐに気づいたのである。


Every few years, NESARA rears its ugly head, often coinciding with times of economic hardship, and often accompanied by its global counterpart: GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act). In 2020, NESARA has managed to merge with other current conspiracy theories that revolve around the baseless and pro-Trump QAnon, where supporters have co-opted the global reset narrative to announce that a new era of debt forgiveness and monetary reform—where cash would be replaced with a gold-backed cryptocurrency—would imminently be ushered in by none other than Trump. The fact that Barnard's book has the same name as Trump's 2016 election mantra, Drain the Swamp, may be a coincidence—but to QAnon supporters it reads like evidence.

 数年に一度、NESARAが頭をもたげてくる。経済的に苦しい時期に重なることが多いが、その際には、世界規模での対応が必要となる。GESARA(Global Economic Security and Recovery Act)である。2020年、NESARAは、根拠のない親トランプ派のQAnonを中心とした他の陰謀論と合体することに成功しました。支持者たちは、グローバルリセットの物語を利用して、債務免除と通貨改革の新時代、つまり現金が金に裏付けられた暗号通貨に置き換えられる時代が、トランプ以外の誰によっても間もなく到来することを発表しました。バーナード氏の著書が、トランプ氏の2016年の選挙マントラ「Drain the Swamp」と同じ名前であることは、偶然かもしれませんが、QAnonの支持者にとっては証拠のように読めます。

Our analysis reveals the impact that the COVID-19 lockdowns have had on the popularity of NESARA/GESARA beliefs, though this may also be indicative of the explosion in conspiracy beliefs more generally.

 我々の分析では、COVID-19のロックダウンが「NESARA / GESARA」信仰の人気に影響を与えていることが明らかになったが、これは陰謀信仰全般の爆発的な増加を示している可能性もある。

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

An analysis of NESARA and GESARA posts on Facebook over the past 12 months shows a significant jump in their number and interactions with them, peaking at 85.2k interactions at the end of May this year. The graph also shows a general increase in posts around the theory since the time lockdowns and furlough schemes were implemented around the world.


Early posts were from a curious mix of New Age mysticism, pro-Trump, NESARA groups, and UFOlogy pages - groups that are now finding unlikely common ground under the QAnon banner. Posts listed as having the most interactions from the past few months show just that: QAnon groups, right-wing Christian ministries talking about Trump decreeing a move to gold-backed currency, and a general air of QAnon theories permeating the aforementioned groups. What is astonishing is the global reach of this theory. Posts in English, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Greek, and Malay are all present in the top 50 most influential Facebook posts on the topic. Many of these posts had been shared thousands of times.


Analysis on Twitter told a similar story. From mid June this year, NESARA and GESARA was the topic of 334,912 tweets coming from a pick 'n' mix of 'Starseeds', Cryptocurrency gurus, and a smorgasbord of QAnon accounts at various levels of dedication all tweeting with excitement about the inevitable "Global Reset" in a variety of languages. The standard QAnon fare of reading into anything from the background of Trump's press appearances is used as proof that debt forgiveness is on its way.




A fascinating development is the phenomenon of users offering up proof of their debt being wiped and that NESARA/GESARA is actually upon us. Though nobody appears to have an answer for why the global reset is apparently an uneven and dripfed process.

 魅力的な展開としては、ユーザーが「借金が帳消しになった」「NESARA / GESARA が実際に起こっている」という証拠を提示する現象が挙げられます。しかし、グローバル・リセットが明らかに不均一で遅れたプロセスである理由については、誰も答えを持っていないようです。

Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 14.00.49

On Instagram, the story is the same. Posts under #NESARA and #GESARA catch every conspircy going, from the recently debunked Wayfair scandal, to aliens living among us and the illuminati. Again, as with all other platforms, interest has spiked in the months after lockdowns.


Screenshot_2020-09-03 #gesara hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

Screenshot_2020-09-03 Stephanie Stachowiak’s Instagram profile post “#qfs #gesara #nesara”

When we look into many of the individual accounts displaying signs of NESARA/GESARA fever, we can notice just how steadfast believers are about this imminent global reset that promises to wipe out all their debt—and that's where things could get dangerous. Needless to say,  the allure of fast money and the promise of disappearing credit card debt could prove to be catastrophic for obvious reasons. After all, what’s a few extra grand on a credit card when you're persuaded a clean slate is coming. 

 NESARA / GESARA・フィーバーの兆候が見られる多くの個人口座を見ると、借金を帳消しにするグローバル・リセットが迫っていることを信じる人たちがどれほど固く信じているかがわかり、そこには危険が潜んでいる。言うまでもなく、ファストマネーの魅力とクレジットカードによる借金の消滅という約束は、明らかに破滅的なものになる可能性があります。白紙に戻れると思えば、クレジットカードに数千円追加しても問題ないでしょう。  


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