




「Qの陰謀」を定量化する - 「Soufan Center」作成の報告書より①

Hatena Feedly








 今回の調査結果は、Soufan Centerが作成した報告書に詳細が記載されており、「外国の国家が社会的不和を引き起こし、さらには合法的な政治プロセスを危うくするために、QAnonの陰謀論を利用している」ことを示唆していると、グローバルセキュリティに焦点を当てた独立非営利団体はプレスリリースで述べています。

edition.cnn.com より

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A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding the Threat
Posed by QAnon



APRIL 2021


  • The QAnon conspiracy theory taps into a similar process of radicalization as witnessed with other forms of extremism, including Salafi-jihadism, indicating that as the QAnon movement continues to evolve, it could grow more violent in the foreseeable future.


  • Adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory are already seeking to leverage existing social grievances to attract new recruits. Individuals are radicalized in online echo chambers by false narratives and inspired by other attacks, such as the January 6, 2021 insurrection in the U.S.


  • According to survey data reviewed by TSC experts, around 20% of respondents self-identify as QAnon believers and an even larger portion subscribe to one or more QAnon-narratives including allegations of voter fraud, suspicions about the reality of COVID-19, and child sex trafficking conspiracies, suggesting there exists a broad cognitive opening among the U.S. population that can be manipulated by violent extremist groups and recruiters.


  • This larger pool of potential recruits might be viewed as possible “free agents,” with antiSemitism serving as the ideological bridge between QAnon and white supremacy extremist (WSE) organizations or other violent far-right groups and ideologies.


  • States like China and Russia utilize QAnon-narratives as part of their disinformation campaigns, increasing the reach and resonance of the conspiracy theory to susceptible audiences in the United States and beyond.


  • As occurred with al-Qaeda and Islamic State propaganda, algorithms employed by social media companies to generate continued engagement with platforms are partly responsible for radicalizing individuals to support QAnon. The findings of this report make clear, it is imperative to protect freedom of speech, but social media companies also need to re-examine their de-platforming approaches, design of algorithms, and the prevalence of disinformation on their platforms.


  • The policy implications of the sustained influence of QAnon conspiracy theories, especially when buttressed by foreign powers, are profound. As such, the U.S. Government, private sector, and civil society organizations have important roles to play in countering the spread of QAnonrelated conspiracy theories. The following recommendations will contribute to slowing the spread of these false narratives:


  1. First and foremost, the U.S. government must remove the key element that allows for any conspiracy theory to thrive—crisis. The decline of COVID-19, however, does not mean an end to conspiracy theories.


  2. Second, social media companies need to re-examine their de-platforming approaches, especially when the data from this report indicates that the potency of multiple foreign influence campaigns remains high.


  3. Third, social media companies need to refine their algorithms which continue to recommend toxic QAnon-related content, some of which is created overseas.


  4. Fourth, community-oriented and offline solutions are also necessary. Specifically, civil society and academic organizations must continue to develop and administer digital and media literacy programs through educational and other institutions.


  5. Finally, the Biden administration should consider working with Congress and civil society organizations to determine if the battle against disinformation warrants the creation of a new interagency organization that includes personnel with both domestic and international mandates.



A May 2019 intelligence bulletin from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Phoenix office labeled conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorism threat for the first time. The bulletin ※1 mentioned QAnon by name specifically and described the broader movement of “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists” as deserving particular attention. “Conspiracy theories promoting violence” was designated one of the most serious aspects of the domestic violent extremism threat in a recently released unclassified report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). QAnon is a far right conspiratorial movement that creates and co- ※2 opts “theories” to fit an evolving narrative underpinned by the core notion that the “Deep State,” led by a cabal of elitist pedophiles, is leading the United States. These ideas are fueled by ※3 occasional messages from an anonymous individual, known as Q. Although the identity of “Q” remains unknown, the posts aim to create the notion that the author is an individual possessing a military intelligence background and shares secret information with followers. The posts, known as Qdrops, ※4 often reference anti-Semitic tropes depicting George Soros and the Rothschild family as Satan-worshipping “puppet masters” who fund efforts to create a new world order. Anti- ※5 Semitism and fears of a “New World Order” dovetail with longstanding conspiracies promoted by a range of anti-government extremists and white supremacist groups.




 "暴力を助長する陰謀論 "は、国家情報長官室(ODNI)が最近発表した未分類の報告書で、国内暴力過激主義の脅威の中でも最も深刻なものの一つに指定されています。QAnonは極右の陰謀運動で、小児性愛者のエリート集団が率いる「ディープステート」が米国を支配しているという核心的な概念に裏打ちされた進化する物語に合わせて「理論」を創造し、共謀しています。Q」の正体は不明ですが、投稿は、著者が軍事情報に精通した人物であり、フォロワーと秘密情報を共有しているというイメージを与えることを目的としています。



This is not simply an online phenomenon. The QAnon conspiracy has been weaponized to commit acts of violence. “Pizzagate” , the December 2016 incident where an armed gunman ※6 stormed a D.C. pizza shop because he incorrectly believed the senior Democrats were running a child sex trafficking ring in the basement, served as a precursor to QAnon violence, but has since been followed by several violent incidents. Tragically, 34 individuals have conducted violent ※7 offenses—such as homicide, assault, criminal threats, and violent entry of a building—in the United States in the name of QAnon, and three people have lost their lives to QAnon-inspired attacks. Still, according to the same data set, in the United States today, a relatively small portion of QAnon adherents, five out of 56, have successfully carried out violent plots. However, as of ※8 February 2021, at least 27 individuals who participated in the Capitol insurrection on 6 January 2021 were affiliated with the QAnon conspiracy. There are serious concerns that in the ※9 aftermath, disenfranchised hordes of QAnon supporters will gravitate toward more hardcore elements operating under the broader far-right extremist umbrella. The data gathered for this ※10 report, and the analysis presented illustrate the current threat the QAnon movement poses toU.S. national security, and concludes that it is a phenomenon that has the potential to serve as a force multiplier in the broader domestic violent extremist milieu. While not the specific focus of this report, there are also legitimate concerns about QAnon’s global expansion. ※11







This assessment is underpinned by three primary findings. First, the QAnon conspiracy theory generates a process of radicalization and violence similar to that fueling other violent extremist movements, including the so-called Islamic State. This indicates that the QAnon movement has the potential to incite more acts of violence in the foreseeable future. Adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory are already seeking to leverage existing social grievances to recruit followers ※12 into online echo chambers, where they are radicalized by false narratives and inspired by other attacks, potentially to a point where some followers mobilize toward violent ends. Second, a significant portion of those surveyed self-identify as adherents of the QAnon movement, and an even greater portion adhere to one or more QAnon-narratives. While the survey data presented in this report should be considered in relation to other markers, it is evident there exists a cognitive opening among the U.S. population that can be manipulated by violent extremist groups and recruiters in support of the QAnon movement. Third, malign state actors utilize QAnon-narratives to peddle disinformation on social media. In both 2020 and for the first two months of 2021, almost one-fifth of all QAnon posts on Facebook originated from administrators overseas. In 2021, China is the primary foreign actor touting QAnon-narratives online, but Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran also contribute to amplifying the QAnon conspiracy theory online to reach a broader audience. Such activity blurs the line between domestic and foreign disinformation, representing a significant challenge for the U.S. government and international action.







Compounded, these findings suggests the QAnon conspiracy theory has the potential to serve as a force multiplier for domestic violent extremism (DVE), including racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists (REMVEs) who are already seeking to recruit them into their ranks. ※13





While 2020 was marked by deep political divide in the United States, the inauguration of a new—Democratic—President in January 2021 incited an identity crisis for many QAnon followers in the United States. Indeed, the swearing in of Joseph R. Biden as the 46th President of the United States has prompted some QAnon adherents to become disenchanted while others have doubled down on “trusting the plan” as set out by Q. Remaining QAnon followers are desperately seeking to embrace new narratives that explain a world in which former President Trump is no longer in power. This has proven difficult. Q’s remaining followers seized onto an inchoate theory that President Trump would return to power on March 4, the original date of the Presidential inauguration. Those who embrace this convoluted theory, pilfered from the sovereign citizen ※14 movement, believe that there have not been any legitimate presidents since Ulysses S. Grant (the 18th President), because “secret” laws were passed in 1871 that turned the U.S. into a corporation instead of a democratic country. Adherents shared “signs” online that March 4 would bring about the inauguration of Donald Trump to serve for four more years and that followers should flock to Washington D.C. Others, however, suggested that March 4 had been “cancelled” or ※15 was orchestrated by the “deep state” and have clung to other deadlines. While no mobilization occurred in the end, there was enough extremist chatter online that both the FBI and DHS issued warnings, and the House of Representatives canceled a previously planned legislative session. Prominent voices from the national security community criticized Congress for giving ※16 in to terrorism, instead of remaining resilient in the face of ongoing threats. ※17




 Qの残存者は、トランプ大統領が本来の大統領就任日である3月4日に政権に復帰するという、漠然とした説を唱えている。主権在民運動の流れを汲むこの複雑な理論を信奉する人々は、1871年に「秘密」の法律が成立して米国が民主主義国家ではなく企業になったため、ユリシーズ・S・グラント(第18代大統領)以降、正当な大統領は存在しないと信じている。また、3月4日にドナルド・トランプ氏が就任し、4年後に大統領に就任するという "サイン "をネット上で共有し、ワシントンD.C.に集まるように呼びかけた。



The apparent splintering of the movement, however, does not mean that the threat it poses will simply fade away. Rather, the ※18 ideological creed and commitment to violence among QAnon adherents is likely to mutate in the foreseeable future. The cognitive gymnastics illustrated by the most zealous of QAnon believers showcases the durability of the movement and their willingness to shift goalposts to fit the ideology. Like cults or extremist organizations, adherents become indoctrinated to the point where reality no longer serves to disprove their worldview. This can, in part, be understood by looking at how QAnon has leveraged the extremist playbook previously utilized by al-Qaeda and enhanced by ISIS. ※19



Extremists use a remarkably similar playbook across ideologies, seeking to first identify, and then harness the personal and political grievances of individuals and groups. QAnon extremists have identified a litany of grievances, ranging from a strong distrust in government to a hatred of elites, whom they associate with a myriad social ills, from human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors to fraud perpetrated to “steal” a Presidential election. Salafi jihadists ideologues railed against the West’s alleged war on Islam, while QAnon conspiracy theorists amplify grievances related to the so-called “Deep State.”



The extremist playbook seeks to capitalize on conflict, sectarianism, and other aspects of societal instability to recruit and radicalize supporters. Similarly, conspiracy adherents seize upon “societal crisis and high-anxiety situations,” to expand their pool of potential supporters. This in part helps to explain why the QAnon conspiracy spread so widely during the course of 2020 as the world dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Feelings of loss of control and the concept that ※20 individuals have access to exclusive information are other drivers of conspiratorial thinking, again, two aspects likely exacerbated by the pandemic and increased time online consuming vast quantities of disinformation. ※21



There is also an altruistic element of conspiracies, as research indicates that individuals “may adopt conspiratorial beliefs” out of “social concern for other people.” This is apparent in the ※22 resonance of the child sex trafficking aspects of the QAnon theory, evidenced by the “Save the Children” slogan and the Wayfair incident, which stipulated that the online furniture retailer was engaged in wide-scale child sex trafficking. Analogously, Jihadist groups told their supporters ※23 that they were helping to defend Islam from invading hordes of infidels who were descending upon Muslim lands to steal their oil and subjugate their women. Capitalizing on this humanitarian instinct, groups like ISIS recruited thousands of foreign terrorist fighters to travel, sometimes with families, to conflict zones, believing they were supporting rebellion against a brutal regime and then ending up supporting a brutal terrorist group. ※24


 また、陰謀論には利他的な要素もあり、研究によれば、個人は "他の人々に対する社会的関心 "から陰謀論的信念を採用することがあるという。このことは、QAnon理論の児童性売買の側面が共鳴していることからも明らかで、「Save the Children」のスローガンや、オンライン家具小売業者が大規模な児童性売買を行っていたことを規定したWayfair事件がそれを証明しています。同様に、ジハード主義グループは、石油を盗み、女性を服従させるためにイスラムの地に降りてきた異教徒の大群からイスラムを守るために協力していると支持者に伝えていました。この人道的な本能を利用して、ISISのようなグループは何千人もの外国人テロリストを募り、時には家族を連れて紛争地域に赴き、残忍な政権への反乱を支援していると信じていました。残忍な政権への反乱を支援していると信じて、結局は残忍なテロリスト集団を支援することになるのです。

In addition, as with other violent extremist groups and the radicalization process they set in motion, social media and digital communications have played an important role in reaching potential supporters and recruits more broadly, but also more directly. Consequently, experts have noted that, “As with the Islamic State, QAnon ideology proliferates through easily-shareable digital content espousing grievances and injustices by evil oppressors. New QAnon believers descend down internet rabbit holes and encounter an ecosystem of fellow believers with whom they can bond and gain encouragement.” ※25





There are other important aspects of the broader body of knowledge on conspiracy theories with direct applicability to QAnon, some of which are rather foreboding in what they portend for the future of this movement. For example, those who believe in conspiracies often feel themselves to be marginalized and under siege. But because there is a strong belief that “salvation exists at the end of this difficult road” of persecution, there is an increased willingness for many to “fend off counter-arguments” and adhere closely to “an inbuilt logic that dismisses criticism as part of the conspiracy.” This adds to the resilience of conspiracy theories and prepares individuals to rationalize prophecies that fail to materialize—such as those regarding the imminence of Trump’s declaration of martial law, the arrest of President Biden, and a return to another four years of the Trump administration.



Exploiting Existing Societal Fault Lines


With the QAnon conspiracy flailing in the aftermath of the inauguration of President Biden, adherents of this conspiracy-theory driven group—“Anons”—are looking to exploit existing societal grievances in other areas to replenish their ranks and add a veneer of legitimacy to their movement. QAnon has resorted to coopt hashtags on social media as a “Trojan horse” for spreading its hateful creed among more mainstream causes, thus ensuring their messages are woven into “mainstream” exchanges on the topic.



Some QAnon narratives have focused on anti-abortion activists and vaccine skeptics in order to attempt to recruit new followers that may be unaware of QAnon’s conspiratorial roots. In 2020, anti-abortion posts as a percentage of QAnon posts on Facebook steadily increased from June onwards, with a 12% increase in the second half of 2020. Further, into 2021, there has been a otable increase—the volume of anti-abortion posts in February 2021 was up 58%, compared to January 2021. One recent QAnon conspiracy, ※26 which accuses Planned Parenthood of trafficking body parts of aborted fetuses, has co-opted a hashtag originally associated with a campaign by legitimate political and social interest groups to block Xavier Becerra’s nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services (see Screenshot 1). This is similar to how ISIS coopted hashtags on social media in order to attempt to use societal issues and grievances—or even current events or sporting events—to spread their hateful creed and attract followers. For example, during the 2014 World Cup, in a social media campaign on Twitter, ISIS used hashtags such as #Brazil2014, #ENG, #France, and #WC2014 to target Muslims living in the West and convince them to join the organization’s ranks. ※27






QAnon adherents are also seeking to manipulate narratives surrounding vaccine skepticism, antivaxx sentiments, and disinformation regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. There are growing concerns that this could lead to real-world violence, possibly against vaccine distribution sites, healthcare workers, or companies associated with the vaccines. On both, mainstream social ※28 media platforms as well as encrypted chat applications, users post articles, videos, photos, and memes propagating disinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines alongside QAnon narratives and hashtags. For example, on February 1, a well-known QAnon user on Twitter with over 36,000 followers posted: “No mask. No vaccine,” followed by likening the (anticipated) harassment experienced by those not wearing masks or opting not to get vaccinated to the experiences of Jewish people being forced to wear yellow patches with the Star of David in NaziGermany (see Screenshot 2).  





QAnon’s staying power was cemented when the movement became inextricably linked with the presidency of Donald Trump. In ※29 2020, nearly 100 Congressional candidates embraced some aspect of the conspiracy theory during their run for office, highlighting the tangible political impact of the movement in the United States. QAnon’s ability to ※30 endure may hinge upon its capacity tointegrate its theories with core tenets often associated with mainstream divides or social movements, or, to co-opt members of various movements, from anti-abortion activists to those highly skeptical of (and in some cases vehemently opposed to) vaccines. ※31







https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TSC-White-Paper_QAnon_16April2021-final-1.pdf より
















 元FBI特別捜査官のアリ・スーファンによって2017年に設立されたスーファン・センターは、独立した超党派非営利団体で、501(c)(3)に登録されています。ナウリーン・チャウドリー・フィンク事務局長を筆頭に、人権、国際開発、連邦政府、州政府、地方政府、国際機関、法執行機関、軍隊での経験など、多様な専門的・文化的背景を持つメンバーでチームを構成しています。The Soufan Center は、進化する安全保障上の課題に対処し、高官や実務家を集めて革新的な交流を行う年次国際会議、Global Security Forum を毎年開催しています。The Soufan CenterはTSC Arabicを通じて、中東、北アフリカ、そして世界中のアラビア語圏の聴衆に重要な研究と分析を提供しています。


thesoufancenter.org より翻訳引用




 2011年には、アルカイダの歴史的背景を含む回顧録を出版した。The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against al-Qaeda(9.11とアルカイダとの戦いの内幕)2017年にはAnatomy of Terror(テロの解剖)を出版した。From the Death of Bin Laden to the Rise of the Islamic State(ビン・ラディンの死からイスラム国の台頭まで)』を出版した。Soufan GroupのCEOであり、The Soufan Centerの創設者でもあります。"世界の安全保障問題と新興の脅威に関連する研究、分析、戦略的対話のためのリソースとフォーラムとしての役割を果たすことを目的とした非営利組織 "です。SoufanはPhi Kappa Thetaの卒業生であり、2018年にケネディ賞を受賞しています。

en.wikipedia.org より翻訳引用