




「Qの陰謀」を定量化する - 「Soufan Center」作成の報告書より②

Hatena Feedly









 今回の調査結果は、Soufan Centerが作成した報告書に詳細が記載されており、「外国の国家が社会的不和を引き起こし、さらには合法的な政治プロセスを危うくするために、QAnonの陰謀論を利用している」ことを示唆していると、グローバルセキュリティに焦点を当てた独立非営利団体はプレスリリースで述べています。

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A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding the Threat
Posed by QAnon


APRIL 2021




The threat posed by the QAnon movement to U.S. national security becomes more striking when considering the scale of support for and association with the movement, and the potential pool of recruits that may become radicalized to commit acts of violence. Several polls have attempted to discern the percentage of the U.S. population that adhere to or believe in QAnon. Limbik, a ※32 Content Science company that uses artificial intelligence and predictive modeling to analyze and counter weaponized information online, has developed a Believability-Classification Survey in order to discern the potential appeal and resonance of conspiracy theories among the U.S. population. Results included in this report are based on interviews conducted between November 7, 2020 and February 6, 2021 among a nationally representative sample of 9,308 U.S. adults. ※33 Findings include the percentage of those surveyed who self-identified as a QAnon believer, member, or supporter, which ranged between 20% and 23% from November 2020 to February 2021. In addition, the survey found that men are overrepresented at almost twice the rate compared to self-identified female QAnon believers; close to 30% of men self-identify as QAnon believers, members, or supporters, compared to 14% of females. ※34


 QAnonムーブメントが米国の国家安全保障に与える脅威は、このムーブメントへの支持や関連性の規模、そして過激化して暴力行為を行う可能性のある新兵の潜在的なプールを考慮すると、より顕著になります。いくつかの世論調査では、QAnonを支持または信奉している米国人の割合を明らかにしようとしています。人工知能と予測モデリングを用いてオンライン上の武器化された情報を分析し、対抗するコンテンツサイエンス企業であるリンビックは、米国の人口における陰謀論潜在的な魅力と共鳴を見極めるために、Believability-Classification Surveyを開発しました。



This does not, however, mean that we can ignore the documented growing appeal of QAnon narratives among women. Six of the 27 QAnon followers who are known, to date, to have participated in the insurrection on the Capitol are women. As Farah Pandith, Jacob Ware, and ※35 Mia Bloom note when examining the appeal of QAnon and other extremist narratives among women: “The growing appeal of extremist ideologies to women and girls and the female-tofemale luring tactics demonstrate that something has shifted in the ideological ecosystem around identity and belonging.” Indeed, the Limbik survey found that women are more likely than men ※36 to believe in conspiracy theories that feed into the QAnon movement, including those that purport to protect children, building on the belief in the existence of global pedophile rings. As ※37 such, while women may not self-identify as QAnon followers at the same rate as men, they still play an integral role in the movement and in spreading its narratives, creating an enabling environment for later association. These findings correlate to other works that have documented the prevalence and importance of women within the QAnon movement. ※38


 しかし、だからといって、女性の間でQAnonの物の魅力が高まっているという記録を無視することはできない。現在までに判明している国会議事堂での暴動に参加したQAnon信者27人のうち6人が女性である。Farah Pandith、Jacob Ware、Mia Bloomは、QAnonやその他の過激派のナラティブが女性の間でどのように受け止められているかを調べた際に次のように述べている。「女性や少女に対する過激派イデオロギーの訴求力の高まりと、女性同士の誘い込み戦術は、アイデンティティ帰属意識をめぐるイデオロギーの生態系に何かが変化したことを示している」。



Indeed, when looking at an array of disinformation and conspiracy theories disseminated by the QAnon movement, a large percentage of survey respondents demonstrated ideological inclinations that make them amenable to supporting QAnon; similar trends have been shown by those supporting other violent extremist groups. An average of 42% of those surveyed between December 2020 and February 2021 believe voter fraud played a significant role in the 2020 Presidential Election—with 69% of selfidentified Trump voters agreeing or strongly agreeing with the statement as of February 6, 2021. An average of 35% of respondents believe in child trafficking conspiracies that involve the global elite, and around 31% believe that COVID-19 was created in a lab. Of note, one month after the events of January 6, 2021, 25% of respondents support the insurrectionists. While survey results ※39 must be evaluated in conjunction with other markers, these data points suggest that there may be a significant cognitive opening among the U.S. population that makes Americans more susceptible to further radicalization within the QAnon movement.





These findings should also be considered within the broader framework of mass radicalization. Group interactions influence individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, and commitment to action, and there are a range of cognitive biases that impact individual decision-making, including in-group/outgroup biases , conformity, compliance, group-think polarization, and diffusion of ※40 responsibility. Since conspiracy theories have been described as a “radicalizing multiplier” , ※41 42 particularly in contexts of extremism, the overall numbers of individuals who self-identify as QAnon adherents is concerning. As a veteran journalist covering extremism, Hannah Allam, suggested, “the mass embrace of bogus conspiracy theories poses a national security concern.” ※43



The Internet has played an outsized role in accelerating radicalization and weaponizing information, including within the QAnon movement. Over the past 15 years, the average time span of radicalization has condensed from approximately 18 months to 7 months, largely due to the ability of extremists to network online. As Sophia Moskalenko and Clark McCauley have ※44 observed, “social media are more radicalizing than face-to-face groups because they are larger collectives (more sources of information) and because in these large collectives there is more likelihood of encountering radical individuals.” This is applicable to QAnon adherents as well. ※45 Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PRIUS) found that 66.7% of QAnon adherents moved from radicalization to mobilizing for an ideologically motivated crime within less than a year. ※46


 インターネットは、QAnonムーブメントを含め、過激化の促進と情報の武器化に大きな役割を果たしています。過去15年間で、過激派の平均的な活動期間は約18ヶ月から7ヶ月に短縮されましたが、これは過激派がオンラインでネットワークを構築できるようになったことが大きな要因です。ソフィア・モスカレンコとクラーク・マコーリーが観察したように、「ソーシャルメディアは、対面式のグループよりも過激化しやすい」。それは、大きな集団(情報源が多い)であることと、その大きな集団の中で過激な個人に出会う可能性が高いからである。これは、QAnonの信奉者にも当てはまります。Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PRIUS)によると、QAnonの信奉者の66.7%が1年以内に過激化からイデオロギーを動機とした犯罪への動員へと移行しています。

Such rapid mobilization makes the efforts of law enforcement to prevent acts of violence more difficult. Individuals who believe in conspiracy theories are prone to “an increase in hostility and aggression.” This was evident from the scene at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Moreover, ※47 as extremism scholar Amarnath Amarasingam has noted, “conspiracy theories contribute to the idea that violence is the only remaining option for survival.” Coupled with the potential ※48 cognitive opening among a portion of Americans to QAnon-peddled narratives, conspiracy theories, and disinformation, it paints a dire picture for the future of the conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremist landscape.


 このような迅速な動員は、暴力行為を防止するための法執行機関の努力をより困難にする。陰謀論を信じる個人は、"敵意と攻撃性が高まる "傾向があります。このことは、2021年1月6日の米国連邦議会議事堂での光景からも明らかである。さらに、過激派研究者のアマルナス・アマラシンガム氏が指摘するように、「陰謀論は、暴力が生存のための唯一の残された選択肢であるという考えを助長する」。QAnonが流したシナリオや陰謀論、偽情報にアメリカ人の一部が認知的に開眼する可能性があることと相まって、陰謀論に支配された国内過激派の将来は悲惨なものになると考えられる。 

Violent Extremists Recruiting Anons


As adherents become disillusioned with what the movement has promised, some individuals may become vulnerable to recruitment by other violent extremists. Data-gathering and analysis of online encrypted chat forums suggest violent far-right actors, including REMVEs, are capitalizing on January’s events in an attempt to recruit disillusioned Trump supporters and QAnon followers (see Screenshot 3). It is important to note that these recruitment attempts are not tied to a specific group or formally established organization, per se, but the point is that these are discussions taking place on encrypted platforms and channels. For example, WSE channels on Telegram that tout accelerationism ※49 have shared recruitment strategies and encouraged followers to “raid” QAnon and Make America Great Again (MAGA) channels on the platform. On January 11, 2021 a post forwarded on multiple WSE channels on Telegram read, “Parler being shut down has sent tens of thousands (or more) of people to telegram. All of them are seeking refuge and looking for answers since their Q-bullshit lied to them. Maga people are demoralized. Now is our opportunity to grab them by the hand and lead them toward ideological truth…” One account sharing this post had over 45,000 followers and, as of March 20, 2021 that post had gained more than 24,000 views.




 このような勧誘の試みは、それ自体が特定のグループや正式に設立された組織と結びついているわけではなく、暗号化されたプラットフォームやチャンネルで行われている議論であるという点に注意する必要があります。例えば、加速主義を謳うテレグラムのWSE(White Supremacy Extremism :白人至上主義の過激主義)チャンネルでは、勧誘戦略を共有し、QAnonやMAGA(Make America Great Again)のチャンネルを「襲撃」するようフォロワーに呼びかけています。


 2021年1月11日、テレグラムの複数のWSE(White Supremacy Extremism :白人至上主義の過激主義)チャンネルに転送された投稿には、「Parlerがシャットダウンされたことで、何万人(またはそれ以上)もの人々がテレグラムに集まってきました。彼らは皆、Q-bullshitが彼らに嘘をついたので、避難して答えを探している。マガの人々はやる気を失っている。今こそ、彼らの手を掴み、イデオロギー的な真実へと導くチャンスだ...」。この投稿をシェアしたあるアカウントのフォロワー数は45,000人を超え、2021年3月20日現在、この投稿は24,000回以上再生されています。

Other WSE accounts are pushing narratives suggesting QAnon is a psychological operation controlled by the U.S. or Israeli intelligence service. On January 22, 2021, a channel espousing anti-Semitism and racism dedicated to discrediting the QAnon conspiracy theory posted: “Q was a psy op used to run out the clock. You got played. Now you know, you can’t wait on a corrupt system to fix itself or for something magical to fix it for you. You have to take control, change your own life. Nobody is going to save you.” The overt anti-Semitism of QAnon-narratives may provide an opening for followers to join even more radical and violent organizations that use antiSemitic language to incite violence.


 他のWSE(White Supremacy Extremism :白人至上主義の過激主義)アカウントは、QAnonが米国やイスラエル諜報機関にコントロールされた心理作戦であることを示唆するナラティブを押しています。2021年1月22日には、QAnon陰謀論の信用を失墜させることを目的とした反ユダヤ主義と人種差別を信奉するチャンネルがこのように投稿しました。


 「Qは時間切れに使われるサイ・オプスだった。踊らされたな。 腐敗したシステムが修復されるのを待ったり、何か魔法のようなものが修復してくれるのを待ったりしていてはいけないことがわかったはずだ。自分でコントロールし、自分の人生を変えなければならないのです。誰もあなたを救ってはくれないのだから」。



The recruitment tactics shared in online white supremacy channels also include pushing narratives surrounding election fraud and child sex trafficking—related conspiracies that the Limbik survey data suggest a portion of respondents believe to be true. On January 20, a Telegram channel using a swastika as its profile picture forwarded a message urging followers to go to a list of channels, including those associated with QAnon, and connect with subscribers. The list was followed by a recommendation to “focus less on trying to red pill them on WW2 and more on how to make them angrier about the election and the new Democrat regime. Heighten their burning hatred of injustice.”






 このリストの後には、「第二次世界大戦で彼らを赤丸にすることよりも、選挙と新しい民主党政権について彼らを怒らせる方法に焦点を当てる」という勧告が続きました。 不当に対する彼らの燃えるような憎しみを高めなさい」とありました。

On January 22, a WSE channel with over 25,000 subscribers posted, “you don’t have to believe in Q to know that Biden is a pedophile and would murder a baby without hesitation if it would extend his life by 15 minutes.” Research shows that belief in one conspiracy theory is an “excellent predictor” of belief in different, even unrelated conspiracy theories. In addition, the rhetoric pushed to ※50 recruit and further radicalize QAnon followers in the darkest corners of the internet bears striking resemblance to the hateful and violent creed peddled by Salafi-jihadist organizations, like al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State. Namely, that “there is no political solution,” and that ※51 violence is the only way forward.


 1月22日、25,000人以上の購読者を持つWSE(White Supremacy Extremism :白人至上主義の過激主義)チャンネルが、「バイデンが小児性愛者で、自分の命が15分延びるなら、躊躇なく赤ん坊を殺すだろうということは、Qを信じる必要もないことである」と投稿しました。研究によると、ある陰謀論を信じることは、別の、たとえ無関係な陰謀論を信じることの「優れた予測因子」となります。さらに、インターネットの闇の中でQAnonの信奉者を募り、さらに過激化させるために用いられるレトリックは、アルカイダやいわゆる「イスラム国」のようなサラフィ・ジハード主義組織が掲げる憎悪と暴力に満ちた信条と酷似しています。すなわち、「政治的解決策はない」、「暴力こそが唯一の道である」というものである。

QAnon recruits joining organizations with more violent ambitions presents a national security threat and increases the pool of individuals potentially willing to commit acts of violence. Terrorism is a numbers game—a small numbers game. As the PIRA reminded British government counterterrorism officials, “You have to be lucky every time. We only have to be lucky once.” ※52




Even if a fraction of the aggregate number of individuals migrating from QAnon to more extreme groups actually partake in violence, it could mean an uptick of domestic terrorism attacks in the United States. The psychological damage wrought by even three or four major domestic terrorism attacks per year—attacks on par with what happened in Pittsburgh in 2018 or El Paso in 2019, could have longterm consequences increasing distrust and division in the United States. That many of the individuals who descended upon the Capitol in early January were unaffiliated with any particular group, yet radicalized to the point where they were eager to participate in a violent insurrection, is a perilous sign that DVE organizations have a sizable pool of potential recruits. ※53







Coming on a trend towards low-tech, low-cost “self-directed” attacks such as those seen recently in Europe , the UK, and the U.S., an increased propensity for unaffiliated individuals to commit ※54 terrorist acts will complicate law enforcement efforts to identify and prevent threats materializing. PIRUS noted that, as of February 2021, the data set contained ten QAnon followers with known ties to other extremist movements, including organizations like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. Of those individuals, four carried out successful plots in the United States, which illustrate the threat posed by cross-pollination of narratives.





RMVEs are not the only actors seeking to exploit the QAnon conspiracy theory. The societal grievances exploited by QAnon-narratives also fits neatly into disinformation tactics used by U.S. adversaries, like Russia and China, and other malign state and non-state actors. These actors utilize the QAnon conspiracy theory as a vehicle to peddle disinformation to achieve greater distrust and division among communities in the United States, which risks compromising faith in the democratic process itself and the ability to forge a united front on key security challenges, at home and abroad.







While commonly perceived as a domestic movement within the United States , foreign states are ※55 also utilizing the QAnon conspiracy theory to sow societal discord and even potentially compromise the legitimate political processes in the country.


For the purpose of this report, 166,820 QAnon-categorized Facebook posts were analyzed ※56 between January 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021. In 2020, the level of foreign influence within ※57 QAnon-categorized posts on Facebook remained relatively constant throughout the year—at an average of 19% of all posts analyzed. Still, during certain time periods there were notable peaks—for example, in March 2020, June/July 2020, and November 2020—that can be correlated with events in the United States; respectively, the domestic outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wayfair Conspiracy, and the Presidential Election. Throughout 2020, the consistent foreign amplification of QAnon narratives online illustrates that externally driven disinformation efforts have contributed to the efficient spread of conspiracy theories. Indeed, the level of foreign influence during January and February 2021 continues this trend—at an average of almost 20% of all posts analyzed. ※58







Russia is often considered the most capable and sophisticated external driver of disinformation. Interestingly, however, our analysis shows that China is currently the state actor most involved in amplifying QAnon narratives on Facebook. In 2020, 44% of posts came from administrators in Russia, 42% from China, 13% from Iran, and 1% from Saudi Arabia. While Russian administrators dominated the foreign influence space within online QAnon narratives in the first half of 2020, China began to rapidly expand its disinformation campaign by March of last year. This timing coincides with increasing political tensions between the U.S. and China owing to a number of issues, including the spread of COVID-19, human rights abuses, and other ares of contention. A recent report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concludes that China “did not deploy interference efforts and considered but did not deploy influence efforts intended to change the outcome of the US Presidential election.” However, ※59
according to our data, by September 2020, China had surpassed Russia as the primary origin of Foreign Influence online within QAnon narratives specifically. This trend line has continued in 2021. From January 1 to February 28, 2021, 58% of posts came from administrators in China—at more than double the rate of those from Russian administrators. China’s goal, most likely, is ※60 to sow further discord and division among the American population.







In addition to Russia and China, Saudi Arabia and Iran are also using QAnon-narratives as a vehicle to spread disinformation—efforts that are increasing in 2021 compared to 2020. QAnonthemed posts originating from Saudi Arabia and Iran accounted for 14% of foreign influence categorized posts in 2020; a figure that increased to 20% between January 1, 2021 and February 28, 2021. ※61



China’s expanding interest in using its English language disinformation capabilities to proliferate QAnon-narratives should be considered within the broader context of the 2020 disinformation landscape. First, reports indicate that China’s disinformation capability has matured since 2019 and reliance on this asymmetric tactic has increased exponentially in 2020, mostly due to Beijing’s war or words with Washington as a result of fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. ※62 Second, analysis of Chinese disinformation efforts in 2020 has also highlighted Beijing’s propensity to mimic Moscow’s approach—including confrontational information manipulation toward polarizing ends. Third, China’s apparent prominence in the QAnon space could also ※63 indicate that social media platforms are not equally well-versed in identifying disinformation campaigns of Chinese origin, compared to those from Russia. And because China controls its information environment, Beijing does not consider itself vulnerable to a tit-for-tat escalation in this area with the U.S. or other Western democracies.





The relatively constant level of foreign influence within QAnon-narratives perpetuated on Facebook raises concerns about the efficacy of purely domestic de-platforming measures. On October 6, 2020, Facebook announced a “QAnon ban” on its platform. Following the January 6, 2021 insurrection, several social media platforms, including Facebook, removed tens of thousands of users that peddled disinformation surrounding the 2020 election. Our data ※66 gathering and analysis of foreign influence within the QAnon space on Facebook in 2021, however, show that these de-platforming measures have had very little effect in removing QAnoncontent circulated by U.S. adversaries on the platform.











https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TSC-White-Paper_QAnon_16April2021-final-1.pdf より
















 元FBI特別捜査官のアリ・スーファンによって2017年に設立されたスーファン・センターは、独立した超党派非営利団体で、501(c)(3)に登録されています。ナウリーン・チャウドリー・フィンク事務局長を筆頭に、人権、国際開発、連邦政府、州政府、地方政府、国際機関、法執行機関、軍隊での経験など、多様な専門的・文化的背景を持つメンバーでチームを構成しています。The Soufan Center は、進化する安全保障上の課題に対処し、高官や実務家を集めて革新的な交流を行う年次国際会議、Global Security Forum を毎年開催しています。The Soufan CenterはTSC Arabicを通じて、中東、北アフリカ、そして世界中のアラビア語圏の聴衆に重要な研究と分析を提供しています。


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 2011年には、アルカイダの歴史的背景を含む回顧録を出版した。The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against al-Qaeda(9.11とアルカイダとの戦いの内幕)2017年にはAnatomy of Terror(テロの解剖)を出版した。From the Death of Bin Laden to the Rise of the Islamic State(ビン・ラディンの死からイスラム国の台頭まで)』を出版した。Soufan GroupのCEOであり、The Soufan Centerの創設者でもあります。"世界の安全保障問題と新興の脅威に関連する研究、分析、戦略的対話のためのリソースとフォーラムとしての役割を果たすことを目的とした非営利組織 "です。SoufanはPhi Kappa Thetaの卒業生であり、2018年にケネディ賞を受賞しています。

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