




ワクチン接種者を社会的に敵視させようとしているのか? - ワクチンの「ウイルス排出(シェディング)」に関する主張には科学的根拠がない

Hatena Feedly















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 ウイルス排出 (viral shedding)は、宿主細胞の感染中に複製が成功した後のウイルス子孫の圧出と放出のことである。複製が完了し、宿主細胞がウイルスの子孫を作るためのすべての資源を使い果たすと、ウイルスはいくつかの方法で細胞から離れ始めることがある。


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投稿日: 2021年5月11日


SciCheck Digest(サイエンスチェックダイジェスト)

COVID-19 vaccines do not contain a live virus, so there isn’t a biological path for a vaccinated person to “shed” the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to those around them. Nor is there any evidence the vaccines cause reproductive problems. That means there’s no basis for social media claims that “shedding” causes reproductive issues in unvaccinated people. 


Full Story(フルストーリー)

None of the COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States contains a live virus with the ability to reproduce itself. Therefore, there’s no scientific basis to support the claim that people who’ve received the authorized COVID-19 vaccines can spread or shed the virus to unvaccinated people.


Some vaccines, such as the rotavirus vaccine, use a weakened, or attenuated, “form of the germ that causes a disease” to “create a strong and long-lasting response,” as explained ※1 on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ website. Infants who receive a rotavirus vaccine can shed the live virus, ※2 though it’s rare, potentially transmitting the virus and inducing immunity in those around them.


 ロタウイルス ※3 ワクチンなどの一部のワクチンは、米国保社会福祉省のウェブサイトで説明されているように、「病気の原因となる細菌の形」を弱めて使用することで、「強力で長期的な反応を引き起こす」ことができます。ロタウイルスワクチンを接種した乳幼児は、まれにですが生きたウイルスを排出することがあり、ウイルスを感染させたり、周囲の人に免疫を誘導する可能性があります。

That’s not the case with the authorized COVID-19 vaccines. There is also no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility. As we have written before, ※4 loss of fertility has not been reported among thousands of trial participants nor confirmed as an adverse event among millions who have been vaccinated.



Yet several online posts falsely claim that vaccinated people are “shedding” the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is what the virus uses to enters cells, through their “breath” ※5 and “pores,” ※5 and that this is causing a number of reproductive problems in unvaccinated people.



In a video ※6 that has been viewed over 100,000 times and its accompanying blog post ※7 , herbal medicine author Dr. Cass Ingram ※8 falsely claims that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can “cause death and disease through GMO shedding.” 

 漢方医学者のキャス・イングラム(Cass Ingram)博士は、10万回以上再生されたビデオとそれに付随するブログ記事の中で、COVID-19 mRNAワクチンが「遺伝子組み換え作物のウイルス排出(シェディング)によって死や病気を引き起こす」と虚偽の主張をしています。 


※ 画像はhttps://cassingram.com/dr-cass-ingram/より

Ingram goes on to say unvaccinated people are being exposed to “toxins” that cause sudden deaths, miscarriages, placenta dysfunctionality, “fist-sized blood clots” and menstrual cycle disorders just by “being around vaccinated people.” 



“There had been some fatalities from contact with the vaccinated. Now this does not mean hugging and kissing, necessarily. It means being in the same room, in the same elevator,” Ingram says on his video ※9. 



But there is no biological path that would make shedding of the COVID-19 vaccines possible, experts tell us. 




※ クリストファー・M・ザーン博士 *1


“The COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized by the FDA are not live virus vaccines, and there is no medical or scientific evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines shed,” Dr. Christopher M. Zahn ※10 , an obstetrician-gynecologist, retired Air Force officer and vice president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said in a statement sent to FactCheck.org. “This is a conspiracy that has been created to weaken trust in a series of vaccines that have been demonstrated in clinical trials to be safe and effective and that are our single best tool for confronting a global pandemic that has taken 600,000 lives in this country alone.”






※ ポール・オフィット博士 *2


Dr. Paul Offit ※11 , a co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine and a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, also told us it’s not possible for COVID-19 vaccines to shed live virus or the spike protein.



“It’s like asking me, do I think that if someone gets this vaccine that they could develop X-ray vision? No, I don’t think that’s possible,” Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said in a phone interview. “It’s never been shown to happen.”


The messenger RNA, or mRNA, vaccines produced by Pfizer/BioNTech ※12 and Moderna ※13 , and the adenovirus viral vector vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson ※14 , prompt the body, through different mechanisms, to produce one of the proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus called the spike protein.

 Pfizer/BioNTech社とModerna社が製造したメッセンジャーRNA ※15(mRNA)ワクチンと、Johnson & Johnson社が製造したアデノウイルス ※16・ウイルスベクターワクチン ※17 は、それぞれ異なるメカニズムで、SARS-CoV-2ウイルスのタンパク質の1つであるスパイクタンパク質の生成を体内に促します。

“It’s just one protein, it’s not a virus,” Offit said. “It’s just one protein from the virus and all that protein does is induce antibodies against it, so you then make antibodies to that protein. That’s it. You don’t shed the protein, you don’t shed the antibodies, you just make antibodies to one protein. So it can’t possibly affect somebody else because proteins aren’t shed.” 


Live Virus vs. Protein(生きたウイルスとタンパク質の比較)

The distinction between a vaccine using a live virus and a vaccine that uses a harmless part of a virus, such as a protein, to trigger an immune response is important, Offit said. 


Vaccines using a part of a virus to start a response, such as the spike protein produced by both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines, cannot lead to the virus reproducing and shedding. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a viral vector vaccine. It uses a harmless adenovirus, modified so that it can’t replicate, ※14 to deliver instructions to cells to produce the spike protein, so the vaccine can’t lead to shedding either. But vaccines using a live virus can replicate and shed.


Offit said an example of a vaccine that sheds or creates what’s called contact immunity ※18 is the oral polio vaccine, which is no longer in use in the U.S. In that case, Offit said, people are given virus strains through the mouth; the virus then reproduces in the intestine and is shedded in the feces. Unvaccinated people pick up the virus from the vaccine mostly by touching things a vaccinated person had touched, especially if that person didn’t adequately wash their hands. 

 オフィット氏によると、接触免疫と呼ばれる、ウイルスを排出するワクチンの例として、米国ではすでに使用されていない経口ポリオワクチン ※19 があるという。ウイルスは腸内で繁殖し、糞便中に排出されます。ワクチンを接種していない人がワクチンのウイルスに感染するのは、ほとんどの場合、ワクチンを接種した人が触ったものに触れることで、特にその人が十分に手を洗っていない場合です。 


※ カエラ・マルティネス博士 *3


Micaela Martinez ※ 20 , an infectious disease ecologist at Columbia University who has studied the history of polio, said indirect vaccination is usually a good thing. It “has been a really great thing for eradication initiatives,” she said, and it’s usually not harmful because it uses an attenuated virus, with very little or no capability to cause disease.


The only time it can be harmful, she said, is if the attenuated virus accumulates mutations that turn it back into its original form. But even then, she said, it wouldn’t cause adverse effects, such as fertility issues, that are outside of the pathology of the virus.  

 有害となるのは、弱毒化したウイルスが突然変異を蓄積して元の形に戻ってしまった場合だけだという。 しかし、その場合でも、不妊症のようなウイルスの病理以外の悪影響を引き起こすことはないだろうと彼女は言う。 

Offit said other vaccines with live, weakened forms of virus —  such as the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and the chicken pox or rotavirus vaccines —  also have the potential for shedding. But Martinez said, there’s not a lot of evidence that it actually happens. Shedding of a kind of flu vaccine, the live attenuated influenza vaccine or nasal spray flu vaccine, ※21  is common. ※22


 オフィット氏によると、弱毒化した生のウイルスを使用した他のワクチン(麻疹、おたふくかぜ、風疹ワクチン、水ぼうそうロタウイルスワクチンなど)も「ウイルス排出(シェディング)」 ※23 を起こす可能性があるという。しかし、マルティネス氏によると、それが実際に起こるという証拠はあまりないという。インフルエンザワクチンの一種である弱毒性生インフルエンザワクチンや鼻腔スプレー型インフルエンザワクチンのウイルス排出(シェディング)は一般的です。

A newer kind of vaccine known as self-spreading vaccines ※24 , or self-disseminating ※25 vaccines, are currently used only in animals and also need a live virus or vector with the ability to reproduce. As we explained, that’s not the case with COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to what a viral post suggests. ※26


Martinez said that while the mRNA vaccines are a new vaccine technology, it doesn’t seem to be biologically feasible that they could lead to shedding, because the vaccines don’t have the capacity to prompt the body to build the full virus.


“I can’t see the biological path by which giving the vaccine would be able to generate any fully assembled virus that can then be replicating and then shed out into the environment,” Martinez said. “I’m not saying it’s not possible because these mRNA vaccines are very new. It’s not really clear to me as obvious a biological pathway that that could happen.”



Several online posts falsely claim ※27 Pfizer “admits” that unvaccinated people can be environmentally exposed to the spike protein “by inhalation or skin contact” if in close proximity with vaccinated people.  


“Evidence that Pfizer knew about miscarriages from vaccines,” says Ingram in a separate post ※28 featuring an image of a Pfizer document. ※29


That’s nonsense. 


It’s true that the Pfizer document, a clinical protocol to monitor safety and efficacy of its vaccine during the clinical trials, mentions “environmental exposure” to the vaccine during pregnancy via “inhalation or skin contact” or by exposure through a “male partner” or health care provider. 



 確かに、ファイザー社の文書は、同社のワクチンの安全性と有効性を臨床試験中にモニターするための臨床プロトコルで、妊娠中のワクチンの「吸入または皮膚接触」による「環境曝露」や、「男性パートナー」や「医療従事者」を介した曝露 ※30 について言及しています。 

But Martinez said the document only proves that Pfizer had a protocol in place in case environmental exposure happened, since environmental exposure does happen with some other vaccines and pregnancy is such a vulnerable time. 



“It’s laying out how they’re going to monitor to make sure that there aren’t dangerous exposures and shedding that happens that causes dangerous exposures to pregnant women,” she said.



But there was no environmental exposure to the Pfizer vaccine, according to the results ※31 of the clinical trial and the FDA’s review of Pfizer’s application for emergency use authorization. ※32 There were 23 pregnancies among the participants and no reported complications among the pregnant women who were vaccinated. (There was one spontaneous abortion to a woman given the placebo.)


“There was no mention in the emergencies authorization about the indirect exposures during pregnancy, which suggests to me that they had not found any,” Martinez said. 


A Pfizer spokesperson said the vaccine does not cause shedding because it is not a live virus.



“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a synthetic mRNA vaccine and does not contain any virus particles. Because there is no virus produced in the body, no shedding occurs within the human body. The vaccine cannot be inhaled via shedding and can only enter the human body through an administered dose,” Pfizer said in a statement."


 「Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 "ワクチンは合成mRNAワクチンであり、ウイルス粒子は一切含まれていません。体内でウイルスが生成されないため、人体内でのウイルス排出(シェディング)はありません。このワクチンは、ウイルス排出(シェディング)物を介して吸入されることはなく、投与された量によってのみ人体に入ることができます」とファイザー社は声明で述べています。

Who Is Dr. Ingram?(ドクター・イングラムとは何者か?)

Ingram, who made these false shedding claims on his website cassingram.com, has a financial incentive for doing so. 


In his blog post, Ingram tells readers that one way of protecting against these dangerous “toxins” shedded by vaccinated people is to use “spice oil supplements such as oil of wild oregano or the multiple spice oil complex as well as the oregano oil/clove bud oil antiseptic spray,” some of which are sold through a company he has been associated with, North American Herb & Spice. 


 イングラム氏はブログの中で、ワクチンを接種した人が排出するこれらの危険な「毒素」から身を守る方法のひとつとして、「野生のオレガノオイルやマルチプル・スパイス・オイル・コンプレックス、オレガノオイル / クローブバッドオイルの防腐剤スプレーなどのスパイス・オイル・サプリメント」を使用することを読者に伝えていますが、これらのスパイス・オイルは、イングラム氏が関係している『North American Herb & Spice』社から販売されています。

“These spice oil-based formulas act to destroy the spike protein, halting the progression of the attack,” Ingram says in his post.



In 2008, North American Herb & Spice agreed to pay $2.5 million to settle charges by the Federal Trade Commission for falsely claiming its oregano oil and capsules were scientifically proven to prevent and treat colds and flu.


 2008年、『North American Herb & Spice』社は、同社のオレガノオイルとカプセルが風邪やインフルエンザの予防と治療に効果があることが科学的に証明されていると虚偽の表示をしていたとして、米連邦取引委員会から250万ドルを支払うことで和解しました。

Judy Kay Gray, the founder and owner of North American Herb & Spice Co., and Ingram conducted research funded by her company on Oreganol P73 – one of the dietary supplements mentioned in the FTC complaint. In 2016, eVitamins identified Ingram as being “from North American Herb & Spice” during an interview on “some amazing benefits” of “their oregano products.”  


 『North American Herb & Spice』社の創設者でありオーナーであるJudy Kay Gray氏とイングラム氏は、FTCの訴状に記載されている栄養補助食品の1つである「Oreganol P73」について、彼女の会社から資金提供を受けて研究を行いました。2016年、『eVitamins』社は、「彼らのオレガノ製品」の「いくつかの驚くべき利点」に関するインタビューの中で、イングラムが「North American Herb & Spice社の人物」であることを確認しました。  

It’s unclear if Ingram is still associated with North American Herb & Spice. We could not reach him for comment. 


 イングラム氏が現在も『North American Herb & Spice』社と関係があるかどうかは不明です。コメントは得られませんでした。

In a May 1 blog post on “protection against vaccine shedding,” Ingram includes a disclosure that says: “the author takes no paycheck or stocks for the recommendation of the mentioned foods or spices but for the book only.” In that post, Ingram provides a link to a book he authored called “Foods that Cure,” which his blog post claims includes “effective remedies” for the “great toxicity” of COVID-19 vaccines.


 イングラムは、5月1日に投稿した「ワクチンのウイルス排出(シェディング)からの保護」に関するブログ記事の中で、「著者は、言及されている食品やスパイスの推奨に対して給与や株式を取得することはなく、本の紹介のみを行っている 」という開示内容を記載しています。 その記事の中でイングラムは、彼が執筆した「Foods that Cure」という本へのリンクを掲載しており、そのブログ記事では、COVID-19ワクチンの「大きな毒性」に対する「効果的な救済策」が含まれていると主張しています。

On his website, Ingram also says he has “a D.O. from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, IA (1984)” – which is the same university and graduating class as Cassim Igram, an osteopath who surrendered his license in Iowa 2019, according to the Iowa Board of Medicine. 


 イングラムは自身のウェブサイトで、「アイオワ州デモインにあるオステオパシー医学・健康科学大学からD.O.を取得した(1984年)」とも述べている。これは、アイオワ州医学委員会によると、2019年にアイオワ州で免許を返上したオステオパスであるカセム・アイグラム(Cassim Igram)と同じ大学、卒業クラスである。 

Cassim Igram, who practiced in Iowa and Illinois, also “voluntarily agreed to permanently and irrevocably place his license [in Illinois] on inactive status” in 1999 after being charged by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation in 1997 for “[o]vercharging a set of two patients, along with their children,” according to court documents. Igram tried to restore his license in 2011, but the petition was dismissed



Ingram and Igram appear to be the same person, according to an investigation by the Chicago Tribune published in 2013. In addition to promoting herbal medicine remedies as Dr. Cass Ingram, Igram is also linked to a second pseudonym, Kaasem Khaleel or Dr. K., who promoted conspiracy theories, the Tribune said.


 2013年に発表されたChicago Tribune紙の調査によると、イングラムとアイグラムは同一人物のようです。トリビューン紙によると、アイグラムはキャス・イングラム博士として漢方薬の治療法を宣伝しているほか、陰謀論を宣伝していた2つ目のペンネーム、Kaasem KhaleelまたはDr.Kにもつながっているとのことです。

Editor’s note: SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The foundation has no control over our editorial decisions, and the views expressed in our articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation. The goal of the project is to increase exposure to accurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines, while decreasing the impact of misinformation.


編集部注:SciCheckのCOVID-19/Vaccination Projectは、Robert Wood Johnson Foundationからの助成金によって実現しています。財団は私たちの編集上の決定をコントロールすることはできず、私たちの記事で表明された見解は必ずしも財団の見解を反映するものではありません。このプロジェクトの目的は、COVID-19とワクチンに関する正確な情報に触れる機会を増やすとともに、誤った情報による影響を減らすことです。


Different COVID-19 Vaccines.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated 23 Apr 2021. Accessed 7 May 2021. 

Jaramillo, Catalina. “No Evidence Vaccines Impact Fertility.” FactCheck.org. Updated 13 Mar 2021.

Offit, Paul. Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Phone interview with FactCheck.org. 3 May 2021. 

McDonald, Jessica. “A Guide to Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 Vaccine.” FactCheck.org. Updated 9 Apr 2021.

McDonald, Jessica. “A Guide to Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine.” FactCheck.org. Updated 9 Apr 2021.

Robertson, Lori. “A Guide to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine.” FactCheck.org. Updated 13 Apr 2021.

Zahn, Christopher M.  Vice president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Statement sent to FactCheck.org. 3 May 2021. 

In the Matter of The Statement of Charges Against Cassim Igram, D.O., Respondent.” 03-99-717. Board of Medical Examiners of The State of Iowa. 7 Feb 2003. 

Igram v. Illinois Department of Financial and Professional regulation.” 11 CH 41123. Appellate Court of Illinois. 8 Aug 2014. 

Black, Lisa. “Chicago-area conspiracy theorist targets Sandy Hook family.” Chicago Tribune. 28 May 2013. 

Oregano Supplement Marketers Agree to Pay $2.5 Million to Settle FTC Charges for False Advertising Claims.” Press release. Federal Trade Commission. 12 Aug 2008.

Vaccine Safety: Immune System and Health.” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia website. Updated 11 Mar 2021. Accessed 5 May 2021. 

Martinez, Micaela. Infectious disease ecologist at Columbia University. Phone interview with FactCheck.org. 6 May 2021. 

Safety of Influenza Vaccines.” CDC. Updated 11 Sep 2019. Accessed May 6 2021. 

John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks.” Johns Hopkins University. 2018. 

Nuismer, Scott L., James J. Bull. “Self-disseminating vaccines to suppress zoonoses.” Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4, 1168-1173. (2020).

Shimabukuro, Tom. “COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Update.” CDC. Presentation to Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. 1 Mar 2021. 

A Phase 1/2/3, Placebo-controlled, Randomized, Observer-blind, Dose-finding Study To Evaluate The Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, And Efficacy Of Sars-cov-2 Rna Vaccine  Candidates Against Covid-19 In Healthy Individuals.” Pfizer. Nov 2020. 

Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine.” Pfizer. Briefing document for FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. 10 Dec 2020. 

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved Product.” FDA. Review Memorandum. 20 Nov 2020.  

Ghazvini, Keanna. Pfizer Media Relations. Statement sent to FactCheck.org. 4 May 2021. 

Vaccine Types.” U.S. Departments of Health & Human Services website. Updated 29 Apr 2021. Accessed 10 May 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.” Chapter 19, Rotavirus. Online PDF.


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