ちょっと気分転換に、今日からしばらく「TR-3B(米軍製のUFOとされるもの)について、アメリカの軍事技術情報サイト「The War Zone」の記事をいくつか翻訳しご紹介させていただきたいと思います。
ドキュメントによると、海軍は「UFO 」特許を取得し中国での同様の技術進歩を警告している
Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances
Patent documents indicate that the U.S. and China are actively developing radical new craft that seem eerily similar to UFOs reported by Navy pilots.
By Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway June 28, 2019特許文書によると、米国と中国は海軍パイロットが報告したUFOに不気味に似た急進的な新技術を積極的に開発しているという。
Brett TingleyとTyler Rogoway 2019年6月28日The United States Secretary of Navy is listed as the assignee on several radical aviation technologies patented by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland. One of these patents describes a "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft" claimed to be capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space alike thanks to a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.
メリーランド州パタクセント川にある海軍航空戦センター航空師団 (NAWCAD) 本部で働いていた航空宇宙技術者によって特許を取られたいくつかの画期的な航空技術の譲受人として、米国海軍長官がリストされている。これらの特許の一つは「革命的な電磁推進システムのおかげで、空気、水、そして宇宙空間の中で、まさに驚異的な速度と操縦性の偉業を成し遂げることができる」と主張されている「混成空中潜水艇」について述べている。
Sound far fetched? You’re not alone.
A primary patent examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) thought so too. But then the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the examiner claiming that the U.S. needs the patent as the Chinese are already “investing significantly” in these aerospace technologies that sound eerily similar to the UFOs reported by Navy pilots in now well-known encounters. This raises the question, are the Chinese developing or even already flying craft leveraging similar advanced technology and is the Navy now scrambling to catch up?
米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) の主任特許審査官もそう考えていた。しかし、当時の海軍航空企業の最高技術責任者 (CTO) は、審査官に宛てた書簡の中で「中国はすでにこうした航空宇宙技術に『大幅な投資』をしているため、米国はこの特許を必要としている」と主張している。このことは、中国が同様の先進技術を利用して開発しているのか、あるいはすでに飛行しているのかという疑問を生じさせ、海軍は今や「追いつこうと躍起になっている」のだろうか?
The Wondrous Inventions Of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais
The bizarre saga of the U.S. Navy and its sudden willingness to admit that its personnel regularly encounter unidentified objects in the skies keeps getting stranger. Why the sudden shift in policy? What is the motivation for disclosing these encounters to the public? News outlets of all types have for months been discussing the matter, yet we still don't know exactly what is actually happening here.
Clearly, the narrative is being carefully controlled by the Department of Defense and the Navy. We can only base our speculation on what has been released to the public over the last few years through the media and what is public record. With that said, maybe the most curious additions to the still-developing saga is a set strange aerospace patents filed by one Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at NAWCAD.
明らかに、この物語は国防総省と海軍によって慎重に管理されている。私たちは、過去数年間にメディアを通じて一般に公開されたものと、公の記録に基づいて推測を行うことしかできません。とは言うものの、NAWCADの航空宇宙エンジニアであるサルバトーレ・セサール・パイス(Salvatore Cezar Pais)氏が申請した奇妙な航空宇宙特許は、まだ発展途上にあるこの物語に追加されたものとして最も興味深いものかもしれない。
While attempting to dig up as much information as possible about the inventor and these patents, I came across some supplemental documents in the USPTO’s databases that seem to imply that Navy leadership knows that these technologies are actually feasible – or that they want us or someone else to think that they are.
Little information can be found about Salvatore Cezar Pais; he has virtually no web presence. What is known is that he received a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999 and that he currently works as an aerospace engineer for NAWCAD at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland – the Navy’s top aircraft test base. Pais has published several articles and presented papers at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conferences over the years describing his work in electromagnetic propulsion, revolutionary room temperature superconductors, and topics like his PhD dissertation: "Bubble generation under reduced gravity conditions for both co-flow and cross-flow configurations."
サルバトーレ・セサール・パイスに関する情報はほとんどない。ウェブ上にはほとんど存在しない。1999年にケース・ウェスタン・リザーブ大学で機械および航空宇宙工学の博士号を取得し、現在は、米海軍の航空機試験基地であるメリーランド州の海軍航空基地パタクセントリバーでNAWCADの航空宇宙技術者として働いていることが分かっている。パイス博士は数年にわたってAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conferenceに数件の論文を発表し、電磁推進、革命的な室温超伝導体、博士論文「並流及び直交流形態の両方の低重力条件下での気泡発生」のようなテーマに関する研究を発表してきた。
NASA helped fund his dissertation, a copy of which they have on their website here. A full list of his publications can be found here.
The Navy’s Patented Hybrid Underwater Aerospace Craft
Pais is named as the inventor on four separate patents for which the U.S. Navy is the assignee: a curiously-shaped “High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator;” a room temperature superconductor; an electromagnetic ‘force field’ generator that could deflect asteroids; and, perhaps the strangest of all, one titled “Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device.” While all are pretty outlandish-sounding, the latter is the one that the Chief Technical Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally vouched for in a letter to the USPTO, claiming the Chinese are already developing similar capabilities.
The patent was first applied for on April 28, 2016, over a decade after the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered strange Tic Tac-shaped aircraft and nearly a year after Navy pilots across multiple squadrons flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana and NAS Norfolk experienced a string of bizarre encounters with unidentified aircraft, some of which, like the Tic Tac, seemed to possess exotic performance capabilities.
The hybrid aerospace-underwater craft in Pais’ patent, meanwhile, is described as being capable of incredible feats of speed and maneuverability and can fly equally well in air, water, or space without leaving a heat signature. This is possible, Pais claims in the patent, because the craft is able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by exploiting the laws of physics.
The concept is fairly simple, although the engineering required to make it a reality is anything but. All matter contains energy on the quantum level. By theoretically creating its own incredibly dense and polarized energy field, the hybrid craft is claimed to be able to create a quantum 'vacuum' around itself which allows it to repel any air or water molecules with which it interacts. Thus, the craft can essentially ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces, or so it is claimed in the patent.
コンセプトは非常にシンプルだが、それを実現するために必要なエンジニアリングは全く違う。すべての物質は量子レベルのエネルギーを含んでいる。独自の信じられないほど高密度で偏極したエネルギー場を理論的に作り出すことによって、このハイブリッド航空機は、相互作用する空気や水分子を追い払うことができる量子「真空 」を周囲に作り出すことができると主張されている。このようにして、航空機は本質的に空気力学的または流体力学的な力を無視することができる。
Throughout his patents and publications describing the hybrid aerospace underwater craft (HAUC), Pais writes that the radical feats of speed and maneuverability of which the craft is supposedly capable can be achieved by coupling "high-frequency axial spin" or "accelerated vibration" with "high-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems."
ハイブリッド・エアロスペース・ウォーター・クラフト (HAUC) を記述している彼の特許と出版物を通して、パイス博士は、そのクラフトがおそらく達成可能であるはずの速度と操縦性の急進的な偉業は、「高周波軸スピン」または「加速振動」を「荷電系の高周波振動」と組み合わせることによって達成可能であると書いている。
In other words, if you can a) create a room temperature superconductor capable of storing an incredibly high amount of energy and b) get the energy field created by that superconductor moving at incredibly high speeds around or within the craft, you can create a polarized energy vacuum around it which allows it to basically ignore the energy of the air or water around it, thereby removing its own inertia and mass from the equation.
- (a) 信じられないほど大量のエネルギーを蓄えることができる室温の超伝導体を作り
- (b) 超伝導体が宇宙船の周りや内部を信じられないほど高速で移動することによって作り出されるエネルギー場を得ることができれば
In his most recent publication, Pais describes the hybrid aerospace underwater craft as a roughly cone-shaped vehicle that would appear round from the front or rear: “the HAUC is conical in configuration, with an elliptical cross-section, similar in geometry to a hypersonic glide vehicle / dart.” Interestingly enough, the descriptions of the craft in several of Pais’ publications and even the patent for “Craft using an inertial mass reduction device” include room for a crew compartment shielded by a Faraday cage.
Shortly after the patent for the hybrid craft was approved in 2018, Pais presented another related paper, “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace Undersea Craft” at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego this past January. In the paper, Pais writes that "the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable."
ハイブリッド宇宙船の特許が2018年に承認されて間もなく、パイス博士は別の関連論文「ハイブリッド航空宇宙海底クラフトに使用するための室温超伝導システム」を、今年の一月にサンディエゴで開催された2019年米国航空宇宙学会科学フォーラムで発表した。パイス博士は論文の中で、「室温超伝導 (RTSC) の達成は、科学技術における完全なパラダイムの変化を可能にする非常に破壊的な技術であり、その 『軍事的および商業的価値は相当なものである』と付け加えている。」と書いている。
The capabilities described in the paper should certainly sound familiar to anyone who's been following the Navy UFO stories over the last several years:
It is possible to envision hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals). This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization.
ハイブリッド・エアロスペース・アンダーシークラフト (HAUC) は、極端な水中速度(水膜摩擦の欠如)および強化された空中/水中ステルス能力(RF信号とソナー信号の非線形散乱)を有する潜水艇として機能することが想定される。このハイブリッド航空機は「EM場誘起空気 / 水粒子反発と真空エネルギー偏極の結合効果」により「真空 / プラズマバブル / シース」に囲まれることにより「空気 / 空間 / 水媒体中」を非常に容易に移動する。
※ コンポーネント付きHUAC:特許出願における工芸品の画像は、そのような工芸品が有することができる様々な構成要素の記述を含む:マイクロ波放射器 (300);キセノン (150) のような希ガスで満たされた共振空洞;乗員室 (55);乗組員を電磁場から保護するファラデー型のケージ (58);貨物室 (57);発電所システム (56);フラスタムつまりノーズコーンは「自身の軸の周りを回転可能 (25)」です。
To help me understand the underlying theory behind the hybrid craft technology described in the patents, I spoke with Dr. Brian Collett, a Hamilton College physics chair who teaches courses in electromagnetic theory and quantum physics. Collett told me that while patents and peer-reviewed articles about theoretical physics are one thing, the descriptions of the HAUC and the claims in Pais’ research "bear no more resemblance to quantum physics as I understand it than does ‘The Force’ from Star Wars." Moreover, Collett adds, "a working room temperature superconductor would have far more radical uses that are actually within the bounds of possibility" than a hybrid craft that can theoretically create a quantum vacuum around itself.
この特許に記載されているハイブリッドクラフト技術の背後にある理論を理解するために、電磁理論と量子物理学のコースを教えているハミルトン大学物理学部長のブライアン・コレット(Brian Collett)博士に話を聞いた。コレット博士は、理論物理学についての特許と査読済み論文は一つであるが、HAUCの記述とパイス博士の研究における主張は「私が理解している量子物理学には、スターウォーズの『フォース』以上の類似性はない」と私に話してくれました。さらにコレット博士は、理論的に周囲に量子真空を作り出すことができるハイブリッド宇宙船よりも「実用的な室温超伝導体は、実際に可能性の範囲内にあるよりもはるかに過激な用途を持つだろう」と付け加えている。
Other physicists I’ve conferred with have stated the same thing – although most of them refused to go anywhere near on the record concerning the hybrid craft patent based on how outlandish it seems. Why then would the Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO personally vouch for this patent to the USPTO?
The ‘Future State of the Possible’
Just because something is patented doesn’t mean it’s currently in production or even possible. Private entities and the U.S. government both regularly patent forward-looking technologies to ensure that they own the rights to them when or if they’re ever fully realized. The patent for the hybrid craft is set to expire on September 28, 2036.
That being said, the unorthodox circumstances surrounding the approval of this patent have us wondering why the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, personally vouched for the legitimacy of this beyond-revolutionary aerospace technology in the Navy’s appeal to the USPTO. Sheehy assured the patent examiner in charge of this application that the aircraft propulsion method described in the patent is indeed possible or will be soon based on experiments and tests NAWCAD has already conducted.
とはいえ、この特許の承認をめぐる型破りな状況は、なぜ米国海軍航空事業の最高技術責任者であるジェームズ・シーヒー博士(Dr.James Sheehy)が、海軍のUSPTOへの訴えの中で、この超革命的な航空宇宙技術の正当性を個人的に保証したのかという疑問を抱かせる。シーヒー博士は、この出願を担当する特許審査官に対し、特許に記載されている航空機推進方法は実際に可能であるか、NAWCADが既に実施した実験および試験に基づいて間もなく実施されるであろうと保証した。
While plenty of commenters online have seen the patents and claimed that any old crackpot scientist can attempt to patent crazy-sounding technologies far beyond what is currently technologically feasible, I would hesitate to call the CTO of the Naval Aviation Enterprise working on behalf of the Federal Government a crackpot. Then again, it's not impossible.
The application was initially rejected by Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell on the grounds that "there is no such thing as a 'repulsive EM energy field,'" and that "when referring to the specifications as to ascertain about the microwave emitters needed in this system it is seen that for a high energy electromagnetic field to polarize a quantum vacuum as claimed it would take 10^9 [T]eslas and 10^18 V/m." That's roughly the equivalent to the magnetic strength generated by most magnetars and more electricity than what is produced by nuclear reactors.
この出願は当初、特許審査官フィリップ・ボンゼル(Philip Bonzell)により、「『斥力EMエネルギー場』 というものは存在しない」及び「このシステムで必要とされるマイクロ波エミッタについて確認するために仕様を参照するとき、クレームされているように、高エネルギー電磁界が量子真空を分極させるには、10^9 [T] eslasと10^18 V/mを必要とすることが分かる」という理由で拒絶された。これは、ほとんどのマグネターで発生する磁気強度とほぼ同等で、原子炉で生成されるものよりも電力が多い。
Obviously, the examiner believed it’s impossible with today's technology to create the insane amount of energy needed to generate the EM field that would propel this craft in the manner described in the patent application. What would be needed to generate such amounts of energy is perhaps the potentially revolutionary room temperature superconductor described in one of Pais’ other patents for which the Navy is listed as the assignee.
Superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance, meaning the electrical currents carried through them never degrade or dissipate like they do in metals, such as copper or silver.
※ パイスの特許 "圧電誘導室温超電導体 "の図面。
Superconductors also create their own repulsive magnetic fields when placed near magnets, enabling applications like the levitating Maglev trains currently floating at high-speed in Japan and China. Most superconductors today require extremely low temperatures to operate, however, making them impractical for most uses outside of laboratories or large scale industrial applications. Room temperature superconductors for years have been something of a "Holy Grail" of science for engineers, because, once realized, they would open the doors for incredible new forms of power transmission and storage, electric motors, and magnetic levitation devices.
According to documents available to the public at the USPTO website, the Patent Office rejected Pais' and the Navy's application for this craft on March 30, 2018. After it was rejected, the NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed "enabled," meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
USPTOウェブサイトで一般に公開されている文書によると、特許庁はパイス博士と海軍によるこの技術の申請を2018年3月30日に却下したが、その後、NAWCADの弁理士であるマークO.グルート(Mark O.Glut)は、この技術が本当に「有効」であり、特許に記載されているように実際に組み立てることができ、機能することを保証するため、特許庁にさらなる文書を提出してその決定を不服として上訴した。
One of the most compelling items in the collection of appeal documents is the letter accompanying the final appeal written CTO Sheehy concerning the U.S. Patent Office’s rejection of "Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device." In the letter dated 15 December 2017, Dr. Sheehy claims that Salvatore Pais has "already begun a series of experiments to design and demonstrate advanced High energy Density/High Power propulsion systems" that are described in the patent.
Furthermore, Sheehy claims that "the realization of this result demonstrates that this patent documents the future state of the possible and moves propulsion technology beyond gas dynamic systems to field-induced propulsion based hybrid aerospace-undersea craft."
Have a look at the letter yourself:
It’s important to note that Sheehy doesn’t go so far as to say on the record that the Navy currently possesses this technology and instead notified Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell that he agrees that "this mode of acceleration/movement is beyond the state of the possible, at least at present." Sheehy, of course, adds that "China is already investing significantly in this area" and "would prefer we [the U.S.] hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology" as he asserts "this will become a reality."
Remarkably, it seems to boil down to the ol' "we must not allow an Inertial Mass Reduction Device gap!" Perhaps because of that threat from the Chinese looming, the USPTO finally issued a notice of allowance for "Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device" to the Department of the Navy on October 31, 2018, at a fee of $1,000 USD. No reason was given for why the patent was eventually approved.
驚くべきことに、それは「慣性質量削減装置のギャップを許してはならない!」という古いものに要約されているようです。 おそらく中国の迫り来る脅威のために、USPTOは2018年10月31日に海軍省に1,000米ドルの手数料で「慣性質量削減装置を使用したクラフト」の許可通知を最終的に発行しました。 特許が最終的に承認された理由は示されていません。
It’s important to note, as well, that U.S. patent law ends at America’s borders. The Navy can patent anything it wants to, but those patents would not necessarily keep a foreign country from developing and patenting similar technologies.
The Dawn Of Electromagnetic Propulsion?
Normally, I would agree with others that these patents are likely just the Navy ensuring that when or if this technology does become available, the U.S. will be able to control it. However, these are not normal times. Thanks to To the Stars Academy (TTSA), the Department of Defense, and the media at large, not only are we now being told that Navy pilots have witnessed aircraft behaving exactly like the craft these patents describe, but some of the pilots’ visual descriptions of those anomalous aircraft even seem to be uncannily similar to the drawings of the aircraft as depicted in Pais’ patents.
通常、これらの特許は「海軍がこの技術が『いつか』あるいは『もし利用可能になれば』米国がそれを制御できるようにするためのものにすぎない」という点では、他の人々の意見に同意します。しかし、これらは正常な時間ではありません。The Stars Academy (TTSA) 、米国防総省、メディア全般のおかげで、米海軍のパイロットたちは、これらの特許で説明されているような航空機の動きを目撃しているだけでなく、これらの変則的な航空機を視覚的に描写したものの中には、パイス博士の特許で描かれているような航空機の図面と不自然に似ているものさえあると言われている。
One of those patents depicts a curiously and distinctly shaped gravitational wave generator that resembles the Tic Tac-shaped object reported by retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and other Nimitz Carrier Strike Group pilots in encounters that took place in 2004 off the Baja Coast.
Furthermore, in regards to claims that these patents may simply be speculative "math theory," as the patent examiner called them in one of the rejections, it’s important to remember that scientific and engineering research sometimes reach tipping points in which incremental progress made over decades suddenly culminates in large paradigm shifts that bring the theoretical into the realm of the possible. Massive bursts of associated funding also can really help, of course.
The patents appear to draw upon established theoretical research; included in the Navy’s patent appeals and Pais’ most recent publication are references to decades’ worth of peer-reviewed research in room temperature superconductors and macroscopic quantum effects and even notated copies of several studies related to Pais’ research. In the publication, Pais also thanks Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO Dr. James Sheehy "for the many hours of thought-provoking discussions on the concept at hand."
これらの特許は、確立された理論的研究に基づいているようだ。海軍の特許出願に含まれており、パイス博士の最新の出版物は、室温超伝導体と巨視的量子効果に関する数十年に及ぶ査読済みの研究への言及であり、パイス博士の研究に関連するいくつかの研究の著名なコピーでさえある。この記事の中で、パイス博士はまた、Naval Aviation Enterprise の CTO である シーヒー博士にも感謝の意を表しています。
Interestingly enough, both Pais’ research and some of his patents also contain acknowledgments to the work of Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of To the Stars Academy. Puthoff is an electrical engineer and inventor who has published research on polarized vacuums, but has also been extensively involved with paranormal and somewhat pseudoscientific topics such as remote viewing.
興味深いことに、パイス博士の研究と彼の特許のいくつかには、To the Stars Academyの共同創設者で科学技術担当副社長であるDr.Harold E.Puthoff氏の業績に対する謝辞も含まれている。Puthoff氏は電気工学者であり発明者でもあり、分極した真空に関する研究を発表しているが、超常現象や、リモートビューのような擬似科学的な話題にも広く関わっている。
According to their website, TTSA’s goal is to advance "our current understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications." The stated mission of TTSA’s Aerospace division is to find "revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, energy, and communication" and the company claims it is "currently working with lead engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental aerospace topics," such as Space-Time Metrics Engineering (STME). This is a theoretical concept in which quantum vacuums are engineered as a means of propulsion. It remains unclear how TTSA intends to follow through with and secure funding for these ambitious goals.
彼らのウェブサイトによると、TTSAの目標は「科学的現象とその技術的意味に関する我々の現在の理解」を前進させることだ。TTSAの航空宇宙部門のミッションは、「推進、エネルギー、通信における革新的なブレークスルー」を見つけることであり、同社はそれが空間時間計測工学 (STME) のような「現在は、基本的な航空宇宙分野の高度なエンジニアリング手法を追求する能力を持つ、国防総省や航空宇宙企業の主要エンジニアと協力している。」であると主張する。これは、量子真空を推進手段として操作する理論的概念です。TTSAがこれらの野心的な目標を達成し、資金を確保するためにどのような手段をとるつもりなのかは、依然として不明である。
In a press release marking the official launch of TTSA on Oct. 11, 2017, former Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs at the Skunk Works, Steve Justice, described how TTSA was working on developing revolutionary "Advanced Electromagnetic Vehicles" that will "dramatically reduce the current travel limits of distance and time" and "mimic the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a drive system that alters the space-time metric." Without a doubt, these advanced electromagnetic vehicles that TTSA says it plans to develop sound uncannily like the electromagnetic hybrid aerospace underwater craft in Pais's patent.
2017年10月11日のTTSAの正式発足を記念したプレスリリースの中で、ロッキード・マーチンのスカンクワークスの先進開発プログラムの前プログラムディレクターであるスティーブ・ジャスティス氏は、TTSAが "現在の距離と時間の移動限界を劇的に縮め"、"時空のメトリックを変える駆動システムを採用することで、未確認の空中現象で観測された能力を模倣する "革命的な "先進電磁車両 "の開発に取り組んでいることを説明しています。間違いなく、TTSAが開発を計画していると言うこれらの高度な電磁車両は、ペイス氏の特許にある電磁ハイブリッド航空宇宙水中クラフトのように不気味に聞こえます。
Few Answers, But Plenty Of Questions
We reached out to NAWCAD for any information or clarification regarding these patents and were referred to Kurt Larson, NAWCAD's Public Affairs Director. Larson informed us by phone and email that "when it comes to patent applications, [NAWCAD] cannot provide any context outside of the filed patent application documents." Similarly, USPTO policy states that applications for patents are not generally open to the public, and "no information concerning them is released except on written authority of the applicant, his or her assignee, or his or her attorney, or when necessary to the conduct of the business of the USPTO."
私たちは、これらの特許に関する情報や明確な説明を求めて NAWCAD に連絡を取り、NAWCAD の広報担当ディレクターである Kurt Larson 氏を紹介してもらいました。ラーソン氏は、電話と電子メールで「特許出願に関しては、(NAWCADは)提出された特許出願書類以外の文脈を提供することはできません」と教えてくれました。同様に、USPTOの方針では、特許出願は一般に公開されておらず、「出願人、その譲受人、またはその代理人の書面による権限がある場合、またはUSPTOの業務遂行に必要な場合を除き、それらに関する情報は公開されない」としています。
As striking as the similarity between the claimed capabilities of the hybrid craft and those of the objects described by Navy personnel, it’s still unknown whether these patents are related to the ongoing UFO revelations. As The War Zone has noted in previous articles, there could be multiple simultaneous explanations for these varied incidents and a number of motivations for disclosing them to the public. Perhaps the few pieces of footage that have trickled out over the last several years that some claim to show advanced craft could be the Navy’s way of subtly hinting that this concept actually works and is being tested in the field by either the U.S. or the Chinese. The fact that Sheehy would lean so heavily on the Chinese threat in the last bullet point of his appeal letter to the USPTO seems to suggest that the Navy may already be playing catch-up to a terrestrial foe.
ハイブリッド機の能力と海軍関係者によって説明された物体の能力が類似していることは驚くべきことだが、これらの特許が現在進行中のUFO暴露に関連しているかどうかはまだ不明である。The War Zoneが以前の記事で指摘したように、これらの様々な事件には複数の同時説明があるかもしれないし、それらを公開する動機もいくつかあるだろう。もしかしたら、ここ数年の間に出てきたいくつかの映像の中には、先進的な船を示していると主張するものもあり、この概念が実際に機能していて、アメリカか中国のどちらかが現場でテストしていることを海軍が微妙にほのめかしているのかもしれません。シーヒー氏がUSPTOへのアピールレターの最後の箇条書きで中国の脅威に大きく傾いているという事実は、海軍がすでに地上の敵に追いつこうとしているかもしれないことを示唆しているように思われる。
It is also important to note that if the Navy had wanted this patent to remain classified, it could have filed the patent under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (35 U.S.C. ch. 17), a law which allows patents to remain classified if they might pose a possible threat to the national security of the United States. Instead, all of Pais' patents are currently fully available to the public. If such a propulsion technology was so revolutionary and if the Navy indeed wanted to keep this technology out of others' hands, it’s curious that they would choose to make the patent public. Maybe the Navy is signaling to its adversaries that it, too, is aware of this revolutionary capability and to whom it belongs.
また、海軍がこの特許を機密扱いのままにしておくことを望んでいたならば、米国の国家安全保障に脅威を与える可能性がある特許を機密扱いのままにしておくことを許可する1951年発明秘密法(35 U.S.C.ch。17)に基づいて特許を申請していた可能性があったことに留意することも重要である。その代わり、パイス博士の特許は現在、すべて一般公開されている。もしそのような推進技術が革命的で、海軍が本当にこの技術を他人の手に渡したくないと思っているのなら、特許を公開することを選ぶのは奇妙なことだ。海軍もまた、この革命的な能力とそれが誰のものであるかを認識していると、敵に合図しているのかもしれない。
Also, consider the fact that Senators, including the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Community, have been briefed in recent weeks by Navy officials about the unexplained sightings Navy pilots have reported. Even President Donald Trump recently stated in an interview that the Navy UFO reports could be due the fact that pilots "see things a little bit different from the past," a comment which could be taken to mean that pilots are witnessing new types of aerospace technology for the first time. Trump seemed to indicate that he does not believe the objects reported by Navy pilots are evidence of anything extraterrestrial and took his interviewer’s UFO question in stride without any apparent surprise, an indication of just how far into the mainstream the UFO discussion has become.
Consider as well the comments made by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, reportedly a key figure in securing funding for programs like the now-infamous Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and its associated studies. Earlier this year, Reid stated that the U.S., Russia, and China are currently in a "UFO race." We know the Chinese have already publicly made major strides in electromagnetic naval capabilities including railguns and aircraft catapults, as well as other highly advanced defense technologies. Could Reid have meant that these three military powers are currently scrambling to be the first to master the technology behind a hybrid aerospace-undersea craft and deploy it on a substantial scale? If so, where does the Navy, and the Pentagon as a whole, currently stand in that clandestine race?
Furthermore, Pais notes in the paper that such a technology “would permit swift movement of the HAUC beyond our Solar System.” Is this an undisclosed reason why we suddenly need a Space Force? Is this what Air Force Lieutenant General Vera Linn Jamieson was referring to last year when she casually dropped during an unrelated interview that in "different galaxies in the future we’re going to actually have capability that we have right now in the air”? And this is hardly the only highly peculiar thing that Air Force leadership has spouted off about in regards to the future of America's military footprint in space.
さらにペイスは論文の中で、そのような技術があれば、"太陽系外のHAUCを迅速に移動させることが可能になるだろう "と述べている。これが、我々が突然宇宙軍を必要としている未公開の理由なのでしょうか?昨年、空軍のベラ・リン・ジェミソン中将が、無関係なインタビューの中で、「将来の異なる銀河では、我々が今持っているような能力を実際に空中で持つことになるだろう」と何気なく言っていたのは、このことなのだろうか?そして、これは、空軍の指導者達が宇宙におけるアメリカの軍事的足跡の将来に関して噴出した非常に奇妙なことだけではありません。
It's also possible that this patent is just another facet of an information operation that goes along with a larger UFO narrative to promote the Pentagon's undisclosed interests. But the inclusion of China, a very terrestrial potential foe and America's chief technological adversary, as a direct competitor when it comes to the technology seems odd and even counterproductive if that were the case.
On the other hand, some may say that this could be proof of two superpowers struggling to mimic the capabilities of something they are observing, but do not fully understand on a technological level. Considering all the unknowns, all possibilities are worth examining. But taking the information surrounding this patent at face value, it seems to point further to the possibility that the technology could indeed be manmade.
Note: There is no way to link directly to these supplementary patent application documents. To view them for yourself, visit https://portal.uspto.gov/pair/PublicPair and search for application number 15/141,270. Once there, click on the “Image File Wrapper” tab.
注:これらの補足特許出願書類に直接リンクする方法はありません。ご自身でご覧になるには、https://portal.uspto.gov/pair/PublicPair にアクセスし、出願番号 15/141,270 を検索してください。検索後、「画像ファイルラッパー」タブをクリックしてください。
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