





Hatena Feedly



People are commodity


In every single part of the world, chattel slavery has been a part of human history. No region of any significant size has not had large populations of people sold as slaves and no region has not purchased slaves. There is no era in which slavery was not a significant part of societal relations. Even hunter-gatherer people abducted or claimed slaves as war or crime reparations or as spoils of war. Throughout history and continuing today, these human products were used as adopted family members, labour, sex slaves, human sacrifice and even more gruesome fates. Even when they werent traded, they were chattel in that they were considered the property of an owner, to dispose of as they wished.



Slavery increased wherever the trade economy flourished, as did the production of all products for sale. The trade empires of the middle east and Africa were in very large part built by the labour of slaves and the wealth brought by the slave trade. During the last two millennia and earlier, the Arab and African states made slavery for both labour and sex an integral part of their social structure. Although slavery is technically illegal in every part of the world now (in Saudi Arabia and Yemen not until 1965, In Oman not until 1970 and in Mauritania not until 2007) neither region has ever really eradicated it and both have recently seen greatly increased human trafficking of all kinds[cite]. In addition to the regular trade, disasters such as the wars in Syria, the Central African Republic, South Sudan and elsewhere bring the international vultures of human trafficking as well as politicians not averse to ridding themselves of annoying populations at a profit.



Europes use of slaves dropped after the fall of the Western Roman Empire with the increase in serfs and indentured servants and the decrease in trade. Europe was still frequently raided for slaves for all reasons, particularly the Slavs who were so often raided that the condition of slavery became synonymous with their name. Possibly three million[cite] Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Circassians and Lithuanians were enslaved by Central Asian khanates between 1500-1774 or six and a half million between 1200 to 1760,[cite] in a trade several authors have dubbed the harvesting of the steppe. According to Mike Dash, the great Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky … observed that if you consider how much time and spiritual and material strength was wasted in the monotonous, brutal, toilsome and painful pursuit of [the Tatar] steppe predators, one need not ask what people in Eastern Europe were doing while those of Western Europe advanced in industry and commerce, in civil life and in the arts and sciences.





The vast majority of this trade was destined for the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East. The Slavs had been the site of frequent slave raids earlier by Vikings, Italy, and others for sale to the Byzantine Empire, but by the time of the Ottoman Empire the trade was huge, there and elsewhere. Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, Ireland and Iceland were also raided by pirates from the Barbary coast and some estimates claim between 1 million and 1.25 million[cite] Europeans were captured by pirates and sold as slaves in Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Slaves made up three quarters of the population of the Crimean Khanate and one fifth of the population of Constantinople. As huge and devastating as this trade was, it was matched or dwarfed by numbers enslaved in parts of Africa and does not include the smaller or more exotic branches of the trade like slaves from Karelia (Finland).[cite] Like Africa and the Middle East, eastern Europe has never eradicated this trade. The still primarily female slave exodus is still ongoing[cite], still with the complicity of some source and destination governments.


 この貿易の大部分は、オスマン帝国と中東に向けられていた。スラブ人はそれ以前にも、ビザンチン帝国に売るためにバイキングやイタリアなどが頻繁に奴隷を襲撃していたが、オスマン帝国の時代になると、そこでも他の場所でも大規模な貿易が行われるようになった。 イタリア、スペイン、ポルトガル、フランス、イギリス、アイルランドアイスランドバーバリー沿岸の海賊に襲撃され、16世紀から19世紀にかけてチュニス、アルジェ、トリポリで100万人から125万人のヨーロッパ人が海賊に捕らえられ、奴隷として売られたとする説がある。奴隷はクリミア・ハン国の人口の4分の3、コンスタンティノープルの人口の5分の1を占めていました。この貿易は巨大で壊滅的なものでしたが、その数はアフリカの一部で奴隷にされていた数に匹敵するか、それよりも少ないもので、カレリアフィンランド)からの奴隷のような小規模でエキゾチックな貿易の分派は含まれていません。今でも主に女性の奴隷の流出は続いており、一部の出身国や目的国の政府が加担しています。


China at many times preferred peasant, serf and bonded labour to slavery, but large populations of criminals and foreigners were still enslaved throughout Chinese history and as now,[cite] any laws against slavery frequently did not reflect the reality. Like Africa and Europe, Indias preexisting slavery was greatly expanded by the Islamic slave markets. Later Indians were also sold to the European overseas empires. The Dutch had the largest slave trade in the world in the late 1600s and, besides enslaving the indigenous populations, they imported around 6000 African slaves and an unknown quantity of Indian slaves a year into the Dutch West Indies.[cite] South East Asian slave populations were huge, particularly in Thailand and Burma where some estimate a quarter or third of the populations in some regions were enslaved between the 17th and 20th centuries. All the above regions still have large populations in labour slavery today[cite], as well as sex slavery and purchased brides, increasingly as the female shortage in both India and China has become more acute[cite]. Nepal and other areas are frequently raided by traffickers for the sex trade[cite] and Nepal also has traditional slavery still in existence among the kamlari[cite]. Displaced populations like Burmas Rohingya people are either pushed off into boats to die or they fall victim to the human traffickers, frequently associated with officials like those in the Thai navy[cite]. China also has indentured labour that is difficult to distinguish from slavery and they have mass trials and execute prisoners and political dissidents horrifically and on demand for the organ trade in what can only be called a human farming industry[cite].


 しかし、中国の歴史上、犯罪者や外国人の多くが奴隷として扱われていたため、奴隷制度を禁止する法律があっても、現実を反映していないことが多かったのです。アフリカやヨーロッパと同様、インドでも既存の奴隷制度がイスラムの奴隷市場によって大きく拡大しました。その後、インド人はヨーロッパの海外帝国にも売られました。オランダは1600年代後半に世界最大の奴隷貿易を行っており、先住民を奴隷にしたほか、年間6000人ほどのアフリカ人奴隷と未知の数のインド人奴隷をオランダ領西インド諸島に輸入していました 東南アジアの奴隷人口は膨大で、特にタイやビルマでは17世紀から20世紀にかけて人口の4分の1から3分の1が奴隷にされていた地域もあると言われています。これらの地域では、現在も多くの人々が労働奴隷として働かされているほか、インドや中国での女性不足が深刻化していることから、性奴隷や買春花嫁も増えている。ネパールなどでは、人身売買のために頻繁に襲撃されておりeeecite、ネパールではカムラリ族の間で伝統的な奴隷制が今も続いています。ビルマロヒンギャのような避難民は、船に突き落とされて死ぬか、タイ海軍のような役人が関与する人身売買の犠牲になります。また、中国では、奴隷と区別するのが難しい年季奉公が行われており、大量の裁判が行われ、囚人や政治的反体制派が恐ろしい形で処刑され、人間農業としか呼べないような臓器売買が要求されています。





Slavery was widespread in America, as it was on the other continents, and Europeans who landed in America both enslaved indigenous people and were occasionally themselves enslaved. As soon as overseas trade expansion began in the 15th century, so did renewed trafficking in slaves by Europe. The trans-Atlantic slave trade from Africa to America was a massive industry from the mid 1500s to the mid 1800s, enslaving around 85,000 people a year at its peak[cite]. While slave raids have always resulted in very low survival rates for the victims, from causes such as long marches, foreign diseases, castration and abuse, the trans-Atlantic voyages were particularly long and horrific with inestimable death and suffering. In addition to slaves from Africa, political dissidents and victims of attempted genocide in Ireland and other unwanted or poor throughout Europe were sent as indentured servants in conditions sometimes close to slavery. With the progressive abolition of slavery in the colonies, their numbers were replaced by more indentured servants from India and China, also sometimes kept in conditions difficult to distinguish from slavery. As well as traditional slavery, the United States in particular has continued to keep servants in a state near indentured servitude through legal threats based on their visa status.



In the era of abolition, slavery was depicted in American colonies as a problem of racial equality. This approach disregards the entire history of global slavery which took place before racism was invented and which hasnt been slowed at all by attempts to eliminate racism. The international focus on one part of the historical trade, labour slaves from Africa to European colonies, in particular the United States, has allowed all other slavery to operate with varying levels of impunity. When slavery becomes so visible it cant escape notice, it is now called human trafficking. While the new term focuses on the sale of people rather than the use of them, they are both incomplete terms and the only reason to swap one for the other is to pretend that there was a point in history where slavery was abolished and now it is a historical topic. While there may no longer be African slaves picking cotton in the United States, there is unprecedented slave labour in the United States from the rest of America and even more slaves from around the world in the United States sex industry[cite]. Despite the fact that there are far more books and papers discussing the end of slavery than the continuation of it, slavery has increased in almost every part of the world[cite].



Slavery has also been depicted as a problem integral to production and capitalism. Both today and throughout history, there were huge populations of slaves purchased for consumption instead of production, slaves for sex and other service to the wealthy. Slaves as product instead of means of production have been widely ignored in movements focused on workers defined as those involved in manufacturing product. This has led many historians to depict the Arab slave trade as not related to labour and to talk about slaves being freed by marriage and adoption because the service of women and children continues to be unvalued. Exodus 21:2 instructed If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve for six years; but on the seventh he shall go out as a free man without payment. but Exodus 21:7 qualifies If a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do. If marriage is involved there is no need to qualify. Then as now, we accept female slavery as a domestic cultural norm. If a boy is sold for labour, human rights groups call it slavery, but for a girl they use the term marriage in cases which are slavery by all definitions. Women and childrens bodies are also now a resource for the massive non-consensual porn industry, as product. Defining domestic and product slavery would require discussion of the roles of women and children in the wider society. The lack of autonomy of women and children in deeply patriarchal societies also makes it much more difficult to define the conditions which constitute slavery. If adult male standards were used, all women and children may be considered slaves in some communities.


 また、奴隷制は、生産や資本主義に不可欠な問題として描かれてきました。今日でも歴史上でも、生産ではなく消費のために購入された奴隷や、裕福な人々のためのセックスやその他の奉仕のための奴隷が、膨大な数存在していました。生産手段ではなく、製品としての奴隷は、製品の製造に携わる労働者に焦点を当てた運動では、広く無視されてきました。このため、多くの歴史家はアラブの奴隷貿易を労働とは無関係なものとして描き、女性や子供の奉仕が依然として評価されていないため、結婚や養子縁組によって奴隷が解放されたという話をしています。 出エジプト記21:2は「ヘブライ人奴隷を買った場合、6年間仕えるが、7日目には支払いなしで自由人として出て行く」と指示しているが、出エジプト記21:7は「男が自分の娘を女奴隷として売った場合、男奴隷のように自由になってはならない」と修飾している。 結婚を伴う場合は、修飾する必要はありません。当時も今も、私たちは女性の奴隷制度を国内の文化的な規範として受け入れています。男の子が労働力として売られた場合、人権団体はそれを奴隷と呼びますが、女の子の場合は、どう考えても奴隷であるケースでも結婚という言葉を使います。また、女性や子どもの体は、今や大規模な非合意型のポルノ産業にとって、商品としての資源となっています。家庭内奴隷制と商品奴隷制を定義するには、より広い社会における女性と子どもの役割を議論する必要があります。深い家父長制の社会では、女性や子どもに自律性がないため、奴隷制度を構成する条件を定義するのは非常に難しいのです。もし成人男性の基準を用いれば、地域によってはすべての女性と子どもが奴隷とみなされるかもしれません。


Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written in 1948 to abolish slavery. In 1966 it was modified to ensure it still allows slavery of the lowest class, in prisons. In the private prisons of the U.K., U.S. and Australia, people in prisons are chattel, actually owned by the corporate prisons, and their labour and their bodies can be sold through corporate contracts. With the scandals involving police and judiciary funneling people into these prisons for payment,[cite] it is evident the prisons are the new cotton fields in the United States and the judiciary and police in these cases are acting as slave traders.




Slavery, like genocide, is a problem that has been with us in every region and every era. To our credit, both are now almost universally recognized as something we need to overcome, but we are nowhere close to doing so. Both are largely ignored by both media and public, perhaps because those whose job it is to see that these crimes do not go on are helpless to stop them. Despite the attempts at creating peacekeeping forces by the United Nations and others, we have not developed a way for larger society to protect one group of people who another are intent on massacring. Neither do we have any way to stop a lucrative trade economy in any product, particularly when many of those profiting occupy powerful positions. It is easier to pretend these things no longer happen.



A 2014 study on population growth projections finds an 80% probability that the world population, now 7.2 billion, will increase to between 9.6 and 12.3 billion by 2100.[cite] Growth will occur primarily from nations which have suffered from trade pillaging, including indigenous populations in the Americas. In the wealthy states, as well as the rapidly growing economies such as China, Brazil and India, an epidemic of aging is projected instead.[cite] At the same time, income disparity has reached a point where eight men own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world.”[cite] More than ever in history, there are far too many vulnerable people to meet the needs of the few who can afford to buy them. There is also a global gender imbalance[cite] which has been caused by the gynocidal[cite] actions of populations in China[cite] and India,[cite] the current and projected largest populations in the world, as well as other places. Since China and India are also two of the wealthiest economies, they can afford to spread their severe imbalance to other nations.[cite] More than ever in history, women are a global commodity.[cite]


 2014年に行われた人口増加予測に関する調査では、現在72億人の世界人口が2100年までに96億人から123億人に増加する確率が80%とされています。この増加は、主にアメリカ大陸の先住民族など、貿易による略奪に苦しんできた国々から生じると考えられます。同時に、所得格差は、「8人の男性が世界の最貧層の半分と同じ富を所有する」というレベルにまで達しています 歴史上かつてないほど、弱者があまりにも多く、それを買う余裕のある少数の人々のニーズを満たすことができなくなっています。また、世界的なジェンダーの不均衡が生じていますが、これは世界最大の人口を誇る中国とインドをはじめとする人々の女性蔑視の行動によって引き起こされたものです。中国とインドは世界有数の経済大国でもあるため、深刻な不均衡を他国に広める余裕がある 歴史上かつてないほど、女性はグローバルな商品である 。

The fact that population growth is stabilized or dropping in industrialized countries and increasing in developing countries and poor populations is used to justify both active and passive genocide by the people controlling the technology to wage war and stop disease. The number of displaced people reached 65.3 million in 2016 and is steadily climbing.[cite] It is no longer necessary to conduct raids into peaceful territories for the slave trade. Wars and famine are driving large populations of desperate and untraceable people into the arms of slave traders.



With the Australian governments recent sale of refugees to Cambodia,[cite] human trafficking has become openly a government activity again, as it always has been secretly. The U.S. military and Canadian resource corporations have for years disdained justice systems in favour of monetary payouts for the lives of people they murder.[cite] The trade economy has normalized the valuation of people in monetary terms to the point that it is customary to reply with a dollar value when asked for a persons worth. The underclass in earlier empires were valuable labour. In modern times the vast majority are expendable product. Replacing labour slavery with waged labour and automation has only expanded the uses people buy slaves for. People are bought and sold as products for militias, prostitution, marriage, organ trafficking and even ritual killings. People are tortured for ransom and charged for their passage as refugees.


 オーストラリア政府が最近、カンボジアに難民を売却したことで、人身売買は、これまでも密かに行われてきたように、再び公然と政府の活動となった。米軍やカナダの資源企業は、長年にわたって司法制度を蔑ろにして、殺した人の命を金銭的に支払うことを優先してきた。 貿易経済は、人の価値を問われたらドル建てで答えるのが当たり前になるほど、人を金銭的に評価することを常態化させた。初期の帝国では、下層階級は貴重な労働力でした。現代では大多数が消耗品である。労働奴隷を賃労働や自動化に置き換えることで、人々が奴隷を購入する用途が広がっただけです。民兵、売春、結婚、臓器売買、さらには儀式殺人のための商品として人々が売買されている。身代金のために拷問されたり、難民としての渡航費を請求されたりします。

There is no need for wise rulers to create community in a supranational empire. Trade can make problem populations disappear and bring profit too. Inconvenient populations were, and still are, packed on cargo ships and traded as slaves or indentured servants or settled in penal colonies far away from home. Bounties for neighbours helped fill Guantanamo as well as slave markets throughout history and today. One of the primary sources of income for stateless militias is still the ancient standby, kidnap and ransom. With the growth of criminal industry, human trafficking is far more versatile now than it has ever been. Stateless militias traffic people to sell for every criminal use, but use them as well as drug mules, for weapons running, as sexual bribes to militia members and as suicide bombers. Both stateless and state militias use child soldiers. Boko Haram fighting against the Civilian Joint Task Force youth vigilantes endorsed and supported by the Nigerian military was a war of children against children, something none of Nigerias ally states objected to and something media seldom reported in their periodic hysteria about Boko Haram.



The trade economy creates a market for whatever product it has to sell. No one needs to buy trafficked humans. The demand is created by the seller who convinces the buyer. The vast increase in the paedosadism market, where children are raped, tortured or murdered for adult entertainment is a horrifying example of created demand.[cite] There is a new and growing market in West Africa created by those who have convinced politicians that amulets from ritual killings are necessary for their electoral success.[cite] China is farming prisoners and political dissidents and harvesting their organs on demand to market them to a self-indulgent and wealthy population who have been convinced they deserve immortality.[cite]


 貿易経済はどんな製品を売るにしても市場を創出する。人身売買された人を買う必要はありません。需要は買い手を説得する売り手によって創出される。子どもたちが大人の娯楽のために強かんされ、拷問され、殺害されるという小児性愛市場の急激な増加は、作られた需要の恐ろしい例です。 儀礼的殺害からのお守りが彼らの選挙の成功のために必要であると政治家を説得した人々によって作られた西アフリカに新しい、成長している市場があります。 中国は囚人や政治的反体制派を農業に従事させ、彼らの臓器を収穫して、彼らが不死に値すると確信している放蕩で裕福な人々に売り込もうとしている。

One of the most interesting economic loops of the last century is in the paedosadism market. A very large number of powerful officials in governments and international organizations have been implicated in paedosadism,[cite] leading to much debate in the press as to the causal link between paedosadism and high office. There is an obvious feedback loop between a criminal underground which is in charge of human trafficking and those in positions of power who are either lured to participate or were selected for high office because of their blackmail potential. The frequency with which spy agencies are involved in these cases also indicates that they may be encouraging the election of politicians and others who they can easily control with blackmail. Besides the incredibly high number of politicians implicated in the UK,[cite] thers are accusations that children from Kincora boys home were used by MI6 for blackmail of IRA and Sinn Fein members[cite] and accusations that Joris Demmink, the Dutch Minister of Security and Justice, was being blackmailed by Turkey[cite] and others. There have also been multiple cases of organizations such as United Nations peacekeepers involved in paedosadism, in Bosnia, in Somalia, in the Central African Republic and more. It is obvious that a criminal industry as huge as human trafficking cannot exist without borders and bank accounts being accessible to the trade and that access is ensured by a blackmail and bribery loop fed by the industry itself.



States also have multiple ways to profit from large populations now that large scale industrial labour is no longer needed. They are used for weapons advertising, as seen in the huge increase in arms dealer profits from the weapons trade shows being held over the slaughter of people in Syria, Gaza and elsewhere.[cite] They are used to fill prison corporations, a circular trade that has taxes pay corporations to imprison the citizens and then prisons sell the labour of prisoners to other corporations at a vast discount.[cite] People are made ill and their illness is used to profit the pharmaceutical and medical industries.[cite] Their food security is destroyed and the resulting famines are used to profit NGOs, a cycle well planned years in advance.[cite] Cartels in America sell drugs to the poor in the United States in exchange for the guns flowing down the Iron River from the United States to Central America.[cite] Weapons manufacturers in the United States profit on the lives of the poor in both Central America and the U.S. and then convince governments they need even more guns to stop the violence. Water everywhere is stolen and polluted by Coca Cola so that people are forced to buy Coca Cola.[cite]


 大規模な産業労働がもはや必要とされなくなった現在、国家は大規模な人口から利益を得るための複数の方法も持っている。シリアやガザなどの虐殺で武器見本市が開催され、武器ディーラーの利益が急増するなど、武器の宣伝に使われている。 それらは刑務所法人を満たすために使用されます,市民を投獄するために法人に税金を支払う循環取引,そして、刑務所は他の企業に囚人の労働を大幅に割引で販売します。 人々は病気になり、その病気は製薬業界や医療業界の利益に使われる。 彼らの食料安全保障は破壊され、その結果生じた飢饉はNGOの利益のために使われ、そのサイクルは何年も前によく計画された。 アメリカのカルテルは、米国から中央アメリカに鉄の川を流れる銃と引き換えに、米国の貧しい人々に麻薬を販売している。 米国の武器製造業者は、中米と米国の貧しい人々の生活から利益を得て、暴力を止めるためにさらに多くの銃が必要だと政府を説得する。至る所の水がコカコーラによって盗まれ汚染されているため、人々はコカコーラを買わざるを得ない。

Since the years during which IBM profited from cataloguing people for Hitlers concentration camps,[cite] the tech industry has catalogued and spied on and murdered people for the powerful. Intelligence and military agencies have been accused of or admitted to conducting mass and individual experiments on foreign and local populations for decades and the findings are frequently used to profit industry.[cite] Food, environmental, worker and infrastructure safety are reduced by corruption, incompetence, and corporate greed, but even more so when the ruling strata would rather the population was reduced.


 IBMヒトラー強制収容所のために人々をカタログ化することで利益を得ていた時代から、ハイテク産業は権力者のために人々をカタログ化し、スパイし、殺害してきました。諜報機関や軍事機関は、何十年にもわたって外国人や地元の人々を対象とした大規模な実験や個人的な実験を行ってきたことで告発されたり、認められたりしており、その結果は産業界の利益のために頻繁に利用されています 食糧、環境、労働者、インフラの安全性は、腐敗、無能、企業欲によって低下しますが、支配層が人口の減少を望んでいる場合はなおさらです。

As people become more expendable, the popular uses for them are ever more genocidal. Drugs are as useful for immobilizing a large public and funding their tyrants as they were in the U.K. – China opium wars or Japans occupation of Manchuria. Today, China is more likely to be the supplier, as they are in providing fentanyl to the United States[cite] or heroin to Burmas Kachin people.[cite] The three biggest criminal industries are all genocidal, a great help in removing populations standing in the way of resource corporations or threatening the wealthy. The weapons for populations to destroy each other with greater ease and the drugs to increase the violence and incapacitate effective resistance have been supplemented with the rapid growth of the human trafficking industry.


 人々がより消耗するようになるにつれて、それらの一般的な用途は、ますます大量虐殺的である。麻薬は、英国と中国のアヘン戦争や日本の満州占領時と同じように、大規模な国民を拘束し、独裁者に資金を提供するのに役立つ。今日では、中国が供給国になる可能性が高く、彼らは米国にフェンタニルを、あるいはビルマのカチン族にヘロインを供給している。 3大犯罪産業はすべて大虐殺であり、資源企業の邪魔をしたり裕福な人々を脅かしたりする人々を排除するのに大いに役立つ。人々がお互いをより容易に破壊するための武器、暴力を増加させ効果的な抵抗を無能力化するための薬物は、人身売買産業の急速な成長によって補完されてきた。

The trade economy and borders have made both genocide and slavery much more difficult to control. Both slavery and human trafficking are now illegal in every state in the world, but the states do not control the trade economy. Human trafficking is now the worlds largest criminal trade, ahead of weapons and drugs. Like the rest of the supranational merchant class, this economy operates above state jurisdiction. The United Nations has estimated there are now about thirty million slaves worldwide[cite] but it is impossible to know the real number. Traffickers are often supplied by organizations working with the most vulnerable people, from NGOs to military to child protection services. They haunt places where people may have gone missing for any number of reasons such as natural disasters and refugee migrations.



We have always had sectarianism. The difference now is we also have hierarchy. Those who treat the rest of us as an outgroup they have no empathy for are at the very top strata of society and have control over every aspect of our lives. We have always committed atrocities on people in our outgroups. The difference now is we can profit from those atrocities. Whether our actions have social approval or not, they can produce currency which will bring social approval. As long as we can buy social approval with currency we are no longer as susceptible to societal coercion. As long as our societies are non-existent, shunning and inclusion have no effect on us.






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