The profiteers of division
As nations progressed into the third age of supranational power, merchants who were formerly privileged servants to the aristocracy began to marry and socialize with aristocrats, giving new political power to the merchant class. Merchants had been holding the purse strings for the nobility for some time, but suddenly there was a path of social mobility from a ruthless commoner to the nobility, an idea which has intrigued social climbers and romance novelists ever since.
Banks and factories were established for trade speculation, not to feed the populations which had never needed either. Instead of just selling an artisan’s goods, the merchants used their new wealth to lock artisans in factories and extract ever more goods from them. Monumental architecture was now built not for trappings of civilization, royal palaces or edifices of state or religion, but as symbols of merchant power. Lawyers became more prosperous than ever, writing the new laws to transfer all imperial authority to trade and commerce. The new merchant politicians convinced the public that the new laws were freedom from imperial control and a path to equality with the aristocracy, which, for the merchants, they were. Stratification of society and all the intellectual prose required to justify it allowed slaves, indentured servants and waged labour to be owned by the merchant class, even as political rhetoric preached equality and human rights. Any law benefiting trade was said to benefit society and any law restricting trade was said to harm society. Discussion of society was restricted to only one strata of men as trade economy became synonymous with governance and merchants became synonymous with the people.
The abstract power of the trade economy, not military might, allowed Europe to finally conquer the Ottoman Empire. The Crimean War placed the Ottoman State in debt to European banks. When it declared bankruptcy in 1875, its economy was placed under control of a European council headed by France and Britain who ensured their trade ambitions finally prevailed[cite]. During World War I, Britain, France, and Russia planned the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire with the Sykes–Picot Agreement[cite]. Under the initial agreement and subsequent treaties and agreements, France and the UK established trade dominance in the Middle East for themselves and their allies. Part of the propaganda from the self-described Islamic State today is that they will remove the effects of these agreements and reestablish an Islamic caliphate throughout the region, fulfilling the prophesy in a hadith in Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal which predicted a caliphate would fall and be succeeded by corrupt tyrants which would eventually be succeeded again by return to a caliphate.
軍事力ではなく貿易経済の抽象的な力によって、ヨーロッパはついにオスマン帝国を征服することができた。クリミア戦争でオスマン帝国はヨーロッパの銀行に借金をした。1875年に破産を宣言したとき、その経済はフランスとイギリスが率いる欧州理事会の支配下に置かれ、彼らの貿易の野望はついに勝利を収めた [引用] 。第一次世界大戦中、イギリス、フランス、ロシアは、サイクス・ピコ協定 (注) により、オスマン帝国の解体を計画した。初期の協定とその後の条約と協定の下で、フランスとイギリスは、自国と同盟国のために中東での貿易支配を確立した。自らを 「イスラム国」 と称する今日のISのプロパガンダの一部は、これらの協定の効果を取り除き、地域全体にイスラムのカリフ国を復活させ、イスラムのカリフ国を崩壊させると予言した「ムスナド・アフマド・イブン・ハンバルのハディース」で予言を実行し、腐敗した暴君によって継承され、最終的には再びカリフ国に戻って継承されるだろうというものである。
It takes no imagination to understand how unpopular it would be to the still very much in existence trade empires established after World War I if a caliphate were to rise in this region again and engage in preferential trade within the caliphate. The reaction of the world to the human rights horrors committed by cartels and militias everywhere else is almost non-existent, but ISIS is a constant fixture in western media. Besides the Islamic State group, Boko Haram have threatened to reestablish the Sokoto Caliphate in West Africa which would include Nigeria, Africa’s largest oil producer and largest economy. The fact that the leaders of neither Boko Haram nor the Islamic State seem to have even rudimentary knowledge of Islam shows how religion is still being used on both sides to motivate support for a very irreligious trade war. China and Russia have no claims to a religious goal but are as engaged as ever in conflicts over the old silk road and all the other trade routes. Secularism has done nothing to promote peace on trade routes where the real religion is the trade economy.
In the 16th century, banks funded trading companies regardless of nationality and those trading companies brought their goods to every part of the world, not just their own. In 1600, the British East India Company was formed and rapidly rose to control half the world’s trade[cite]. The Company’s board of directors ruled India for one century, supervising both government and military according to the wishes of its shareholders, until it was replaced by the British colonial government in 1858. The merchant class of the 16th century had become the first supranational class, above government and not bound by any laws created by governments.
From 1773 until 1860, the British East India Company smuggled opium illegally into China. Despite two wars fought over the trade, China was unsuccessful in stopping the smuggling until they legalized production at home in 1860[cite]. The trade economy’s claims to enrich the societies it engaged were no more real at its beginning than they are now that fentanyl dealers in China are returning the favour with unstoppable postal shipments to the outside[cite]. International traders not bound by the laws of those they trade with has always been a staple of the trade economy and a primary source of its wealth.
1773年から1860年まで、英国東インド会社は中国にアヘンを違法に密輸入していた。貿易をめぐる二つの戦争にもかかわらず、中国は1860年に国内での生産を合法化するまで、密輸を阻止することに失敗した [引用] 。貿易経済が社会を豊かにすると主張していたのは、中国のフェンタニル販売業者が止められない郵便物を国外に発送して利益を得ているのと同じように、最初は現実的ではなかった。貿易相手国の法律に縛られない国際貿易業者は、常に貿易経済の中心的存在であり、その富の主な供給源であった。
In 1602, the Dutch East India Company was established and became the world’s largest company during the 17th century[cite]. It was given near governmental powers, including the ability to establish its own colonies and armies, wage war and negotiate treaties. It printed its own currency and had its own judiciary, prisons and executions which the Dutch government recognized as legal. Under the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch empire was run with profitability for shareholders as its sole goal. Subsistence crops were replaced by crops with maximum profitability to the point that repeated famines devastated the local populations under Company control. The indigenous populations were replaced by slave populations from India, Southeast Asia and East Africa. The trade goods and the majority of profits were removed to enrich the Netherlands. In 1800, the company went bankrupt and the area it controlled was nationalized under the Dutch government as the Dutch East Indies until the people there gained independence after World War II.
With independence, Indonesians had control of their own government but the dependence on trade and the merchant pillage remained. Indonesia is a member of the G-20 forum and it now has the world’s eighth largest economy by gross domestic product at purchasing power parity[cite] but its income disparity is one of the highest in Southeast Asia. The Indonesian government reported 28.2 million people living in “absolute poverty”[cite] in 2016, on an income around US$25 a month. Food price stability is still a major problem. The tyrants went home but the tyranny remained.
インドネシアは独立して自国政府を掌握していたが、貿易への依存と商人の略奪が残った。インドネシアはG 20のメンバーであり、購買力平価で国内総生産 (GDP) で世界第8位の経済大国であるが、所得格差は東南アジアで最も大きい国の一つである。インドネシア政府の報告によると、2820万人が「絶対的貧困」で暮らしており、2016年の所得は月25米ドルだった。食料価格の安定は依然として大きな問題である。暴君たちは家に帰ったが、暴政は残った。
In 1670, the Hudson’s Bay Company was formed in England and given a similar governing role. It claimed 15% of all land in North America, one and a half million square miles[cite], making it the world’s largest land owner at least in their own minds. The HBC also minted its own currency, the MB (Made Beaver), with a value based on a standard beaver pelt and paper money based on UK currency. The courts and legal system, operated by HBC managers, enforced the HBC trade monopoly. In 1867, the HBC chose to sell the land they claimed to the new Dominion of Canada.
1670年、イギリスで「ハドソン湾会社」が結成され、同様の統治者としての役割を与えられた。同社は北米の全土地の15%、50万平方マイルを所有しており、少なくとも彼らの考えでは世界最大の土地所有者である。HBCはまた、独自の通貨、MB (メイド・ビーバー)を鋳造し、その価値は標準的なビーバーペルトと英国通貨に基づく紙幣に基づいている。HBCの経営者が運営する裁判所と法制度は、HBCの貿易独占を強制した。1867年、HBCは、彼らが主張する土地を新カナダ自治領に売却することを選択した。
There is very little difference between the former Hudson’s Bay Company and Canada. Both were primarily resource corporations. The stripes of the blankets the Hudson’s Bay traded to indigenous people are still as iconic a Canadian emblem as the maple leaf flag. The government of Canada and indigenous nations still negotiate at opposite sides of bargaining tables and court rooms.The beaver, the animal whose pelts the company was initially established to trade for, still appears on Canadian currency. The court systems under both were established primarily to enforce ownership and monopolies by the merchant and banking strata. Canada today has a structure of laws that is unequaled in the world at protecting resource corporations in their global pillage. It has been rewarded by 78%[cite] of the world’s resource corporations choosing to incorporate in Canada to take advantage of this protection. These resource corporations employ militias to force their pillage and destruction on people’s homes in 108 countries[cite]. Instead of appearing in court for their human rights and environmental violations, they conduct their own remedy frameworks[cite] and pay fines instead of receiving jail time.
以前のハドソン湾会社とカナダにはほとんど違いがない。どちらも主に資源企業である。ハドソン湾で先住民に売られている毛布の縞模様は、今でもカエデの葉の旗のようにカナダの象徴である。カナダ政府と先住民族は、いまだに交渉のテーブルや法廷で対立している。ビーバーは、同社が当初取引先として設立した動物で、現在もカナダの通貨で取引されている。両者の下での裁判制度は、主に商人と銀行層による所有と独占を強制するために設立された。今日のカナダには、世界的な略奪の中で資源企業を保護するという点で、世界でも類を見ない法律の構造がある。この保護を利用するためにカナダに法人を設立することを選んだ世界の資源企業の78% [引用すると] がこれに報いることになった。これらの資源企業は民兵を雇って、108カ国の人々の家を略奪し破壊している [引用] 。彼らは人権侵害や環境侵害で法廷に出る代わりに、独自の救済制度を実施し (引用) 、懲役の代わりに罰金を支払う。
As a state, Canada has the ability to lobby for resource corporations at international state organizations such as the UN and refuse to sign laws supporting free prior informed consent[cite]. As a state, Canada has embassies all over the world which it uses to strong arm weaker governments into intimidating and assassinating those who protest its resource corporations[cite]. The state has a pretty flag and nationalist sentiment and credibility the company could never have acquired. The people call themselves citizens, not employees, but there is no question that the government’s primary function is as an employer. The government is there to provide jobs, trade product internationally and protect industry. The Prime Minister in 2016 ignored the free prior informed consent of Canada’s own people and approved two oil pipelines widely opposed by the people who will be affected by the environmental damage from them. Canada’s interests are resource corporations interests. Within Canada, the government’s benefit to the public is to provide jobs by increasing corporate activity, not to protect the environment where everyone lives. The three major political parties traditionally represent nationalist corporations, free trade corporations and unions although it is impossible now to tell them apart.
国家として、カナダは国連のような国際的な国家機関で資源企業のためのロビー活動をする能力があり、自由な事前のインフォームド・コンセントを支持する法律に署名することを拒否する [引用] 。カナダは国家として世界中に大使館を持ち、弱小政府を強力に武装させ、資源企業に抗議する人々を脅迫し、暗殺している [引用] 。その州には、会社が獲得できなかったであろう立派な旗と民族主義的な感情と信頼がある。国民は自らを 「国民」 と呼んでいるが、政府の本来の役割が雇用主であることは間違いない。政府は雇用を提供し、製品を国際的に取引し、産業を保護するためにそこにいる。2016年、首相はカナダ国民の自由な事前のインフォームド・コンセントを無視し、環境破壊の影響を受ける人々が反対している二つの石油パイプラインを承認した。カナダの関心事は資源会社の関心事だ。カナダでは、すべての人が暮らす環境を保護するためではなく、企業活動を拡大して雇用を創出することが、政府の国民的利益だ。三大政党は伝統的に国家主義的な企業、自由貿易企業、労働組合を代表しているが、今では区別がつかない。
The United Fruit Co (now Chiquita) chose a less direct path of corporate control. In the late 1800’s, a US business man built a railroad connecting Costa Rica’s capital to its Caribbean coast in exchange for a 99 year lease on the railroad and 800,000 acres of tax-free land.[cite] The company’s monopoly on land use rights and transportation by both rail and sea allowed him near complete control over the country’s economy and a near monopoly on employment in Central America that allowed him to treat employees almost as slaves. Their economy depended on producing one product for one corporation, leaving them no option to demand better terms from their one employer.
As United Fruit expanded, it did not bother governing the countries it occupied. It was enough to control them with bribes, lobbying and the threat of war. Puppet governments were put in place that would sign crippling trade agreements and destroy any autonomy which may have given them the ability to resist. The countries in Central America and the Caribbean under United Fruit were left with no autonomy and no control over their supposedly democratic governance since to vote in their best interests meant war with the United States. The might of the United States military supporting business owners from the US meant that any government which supported any benefit to its people was labeled communist and threatened or crushed. In 1954, United Fruit convinced the US governments under Truman and Eisenhower to oust the democratically elected Guatamala president with a coup for proposing agrarian reform and labour laws[cite]. Obedient politicians served the corporation that paid them, not the people.
ユナイテッド・フルーツは拡大したが、占領した国の統治には手を出さなかった。賄賂やロビー活動、戦争の脅威で彼らを支配するには十分だった。傀儡政府が設置され、壊滅的な貿易協定に署名し、抵抗する能力を与えたかもしれない自治権を破壊することになった。ユナイテッド・フルーツの下にある中央アメリカとカリブ海の国々は、彼らの最大の利益のために投票することは米国との戦争を意味していたので、自治権も、彼らの民主的と思われる統治を制御することもできないまま放置された。米軍が米国の企業経営者を支援することは、国民の利益を支援するいかなる政府も共産主義者と呼ばれ、脅迫されたり、潰されたりすることを意味した。1954年、ユナイテッド・フルーツ社は、民主的に選ばれたグアテマラ大統領を追放するよう、トルーマン政権とアイゼンハワー政権を説得し、農地改革と労働法を提案したクーデターを起こさせた [引用] 。従順な政治家は、国民ではなく、彼らに支払った企業に仕えた。
Since multinational companies were created in the 1600’s, the people of the world have been living under state governments and the state governments have been controlled by a supranational merchant empire. It is a popular notion that the British empire died over the course of the last century, with almost all of its overseas holdings gaining independence, including the United States which is popularly considered to be the new power. The British empire did not die and the United States is not a new power. No one received independence from the supranational trade empire and anyone who attempts it will still be crushed today. North Korea’s Juche is seen as an affront to the world and they are regularly called a pariah state by United States media in apparent reference to their attempt at autonomy (since human rights abuses in trade partners do not provoke the same reaction). Most of the world, including North Korea, lives under the shadow of the supranational trade empire in the form of trade agreements, world banking and international law.
After World War II, the five main seats of the British empire became the five eyes and they are in every way one empire, even one state or nation. This is the special relationship the United States and the United Kingdom always referred to between themselves. The United States was never an empire because it appeared when the world had passed the second age of empire states. The five eyes states all answer to the same supranational power, they obey the same international trade laws and they have the same goals of maximum profit for their investors, as do the supposedly independent state satellites who are more numerous and more interdependent every year.
Every other European trade empire is also still intact. They have all just evolved past direct government control. Areva still plunders Françafrique to power France[cite]. West African dictators plunder their own states and launder the money through France[cite] just as dictators around the world plunder their own states and hide the profit in United States[cite] shell corporations or real estate in New York, London and Vancouver[cite]. The states which make up the so-called anti-imperialist alliance, the Non-Aligned Movement, are not in any way anti-imperialist either. The same corporate names are on the skyscrapers and in the government offices of Shanghai, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro and Mumbai. The same ugly corporate architecture, the same ugly corporate suits and the same bland, mass-produced products are on the streets of every city in the world.
他のすべてのヨーロッパの貿易帝国もまた、そのまま残っている。彼らはすべて、政府の直接支配を超えて進化してきた。アレバはいまだにフランスの権力者フランサフリークを略奪している [引用] 。西アフリカの独裁者は、自国の州を略奪し、フランスを通じて資金を洗浄している [引用] 。世界中の独裁者が自国の州を略奪し、その利益を米国に隠しているのと同じように、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、バンクーバーのペーパーカンパニーや不動産に隠している [引用] 。いわゆる反帝国主義同盟である非同盟運動を構成する国々も、決して反帝国主義ではない。同じ会社名が高層ビルや上海、モスクワ、リオデジャネイロ、ムンバイの政府機関にも載っています。同じ醜悪な企業建築、同じ醜悪な企業スーツ、同じ平凡で大量生産された製品が世界中のあらゆる都市の路上にある。
State power has now been almost completely undermined by international corporate power. From international trade deals which override sovereignty and state judiciary to militaries owned by corporate mercenaries, the most important functions of states have been taken over by corporations. Corporations own nearly all of the world’s resources, including knowledge, and people work for the corporations, not the community or state. People are dependent on corporations for all of their societal needs which are now seldom provided by the community or state.
The wealthy are now wealthy for being wealthy. The former merchant classes have followed the old nobility of the second age in convincing the public to continue serving them for no reason except habit and the laws they wrote themselves. The third age supranational empire no longer belongs solely to the merchants but is attainable to any with the right connections. The imperial power is above states, which means power is just as attainable by stateless organizations such as militias, cartels or state intelligence as it is by merchants or states. As mercenary kingpin Erik Prince has said[cite], the US was founded by militias and as he proved, the militias do not owe allegiance to states but the other way around.
The third stage supranational empires are most often associated with Europe, but it is far too simplistic to depict Europe as the oppressor of the world or the creator of the trade economy based on one moment in history. Europe had the upper hand on their old rivals in the Middle East, China, Africa, and India briefly, but the others caught up again quickly and they were all joined by the merchant classes who had risen to the top of their regions in every part of the world. Those outside Europe were behind in, but no less part of, the oppression of indigenous resistance worldwide. The contemporary habit of ignoring both the present and the past to depict old empires like China, Russia, or Egypt as anti-imperialist is obfuscating propaganda. The recent faux communism practiced in China and Russia did not daunt the imperial ambitions of either state, even when they called it communist internationalism. At this point, all the old players are openly back in the same battle over the same trade routes they have been fighting over for two millennia as well as all the other resources on earth. Pretending otherwise has derailed resistance efforts since the beginning of the third age, as all efforts were spent attempting to replace bad guys (Europeans) with good guys (non-Europeans) while leaving the supranational trade empire intact. Puppet states which pledged allegiance to the trade empire were hailed as self-determination while any attempts to opt out of the trade empire were brutally crushed.
第3段階の超国家的帝国は欧州と関連していることが多いが、歴史上のある瞬間に基づいて欧州を世界の抑圧者や貿易経済の創造者として描くのはあまりにも単純すぎる。ヨーロッパは中東、中国、アフリカ、インドなどのかつてのライバルに一時的には勝っていたが、他の国々はすぐに追いつき、世界のあらゆる地域でその地域のトップに立った商人階級が全員参加した。ヨーロッパ以外の国の人々は、世界中の先住民族の抵抗による抑圧に遅れをとっていたが、その一部でもあった。中国、ロシア、エジプトなどの古い帝国を反帝国主義者として描くために、現在と過去を無視する現代の習慣は、プロパガンダを不明瞭にしている。中国とロシアで行われた最近の偽共産主義は、共産主義国際主義と言っても、どちらの国家の帝国主義的野心も衰えなかった。この時点で、すべての古いプレーヤーは、地球上の他のすべての資源だけでなく、彼らが200年にわたって戦ってきた同じ貿易ルートをめぐる同じ戦いに公然と戻っている。そうでないふりをすることは、第3の年齢の初めから抵抗の努力を脱線させてきた、すべての努力は、超国家的な貿易帝国を無傷のままにして、悪い男 (ヨーロッパ人) を良い男 (非ヨーロッパ人) と入れ替えようとするために費やされた。貿易帝国に忠誠を誓った傀儡国家は自決として歓迎されたが、貿易帝国から脱退しようとするいかなる試みも残酷に打ち砕かれた。
History as told by Europeans would like us to believe that Europeans were fully responsible for the conquest which established them in the seats of power but indigenous people worldwide were far more involved in choosing the trade empire than they are ever given credit for and the trade empire remained in power even where the Europeans did not. The so-called Spanish, English, French and Portuguese conquest of the Americas could never have happened without what their history euphemistically called Indian allies, alliances of nations who vastly outnumbered the Europeans in every case and overthrew the existing empires or rival nations with the help of a few Europeans and their guns.
The indigenous women history deplores as sex slaves who had no autonomy or initiative were sometimes powerful to the point that it would be more accurate to call the Europeans their concubines, or even more accurate to call it a partnership. Hernán Cortés and his little band of 1300 men[cite] would not have survived, much less conquered the Aztec alliance, without the connections and actions of La Malinche[cite] throughout their campaign and her ability to negotiate alliances with all of the indigenous nations which provided the hundreds of thousands of warriors who overthrew the Aztecs[cite]. The Incas failed to retake Cuzco during the siege of 1536, not because of the 190 Spanish soldiers[cite] present but because of the army of tens of thousands1 sent by the Inca kuraka, Contarhucho[cite] in response to a message from her daughter, the Inca princess, Quispe Sisa who was living with the Spanish ‘conquistador’ Francisco Pizarro. The combination of European bragging and photoshopping of all indigenous and female people out of history has given a very unrealistic view of the conquest of every nation on earth by the trade economy. It was not a few European men who conquered the world, it was an idea.
先住民女性の歴史は、自治権や主導権を持たない性奴隷として嘆き悲しむが、時には、ヨーロッパ人を彼らの妾と呼ぶ方が正確であり、パートナーシップと呼ぶ方がより正確であるという点で強力であった。エルナン・コルテスと彼の1300人の小部隊 [引用] は、ラ・マリンチェ [引用] の選挙期間中のコネと行動、そしてアステカを倒した何十万人もの戦士を供給した先住民国家すべてとの同盟交渉能力なしには、アステカ同盟を征服するどころか、生き延びることはできなかったであろう。1536年の包囲の間、インカ族はクスコの奪回に失敗した。それは、190人のスペイン兵 [引用] がいたからではなく、彼女の娘、インカ族の王女、スペインの 「征服者」 フランシスコ・ピサロと暮らしていたキスペ・シサからのメッセージに応じてインカ族クラカ族のコンタルフチョ [引用] が送った数万人1の軍隊のせいだった。すべての先住民と女性の歴史からのヨーロッパ人の自慢と写真撮影の組み合わせは、貿易経済による地球上のすべての国の征服の非常に非現実的な見解を与えた。世界を征服したのは多くのヨーロッパ人であり、一つの考えであった。
While no indigenous people, including those of Europe, chose the genocide and social ills that befell them after the trade empires moved in, and few chose oppressive foreign governance, the structure of the trade empire was both chosen and continued in use by enough of the population that it was impossible to overcome. Many first age tribes still resist, and within each tribe there were always individuals who never stopped resisting, but the appeal of the trade economy to certain members of each society is universal. Would all areas of earth have developed into third age dissociated empires without Europe? It is impossible to tell, but all areas on earth had trade empires and fully dissociated societies where everything is for sale are a logical conclusion of trade empires. It is not necessarily true that these trade empires would have emerged as the dominant second age form of society in all places, but once the third age merchant ponzi scheme was established it was an unstoppable vortex, destined to spread as ponzi schemes do until they collapse, upheld by the desperate and the greedy worldwide.
While the first age tribal nations were all contained under the domain of the current states, many still exist today living very much as they have for thousands of years, completely autonomously and without even any contact with those outside their nations. Of the second age trade empires, none survived. Within a few centuries, every region on earth was under the domain of one system of states under a supranational empire and the second age of nations no longer existed anywhere. Once the process of dissociation and acceptance of a trade economy began, the supranational empire won, in every case and against empires far more evolved and beneficial to the people. Without understanding how the supranational empire won, we can never evolve past it.
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