January 7: Chinese authorities formally identify a “novel” coronavirus.
January 10: China makes the genome sequence of the new coronavirus publicly available.
January 11: China records its first death attributed to the new coronavirus.
January 20: The first U.S. coronavirus case is reported in Washington State.
January 23: Shi Zheng-Li releases a paper reporting that the new coronavirus is 96% identical to a strain that her lab isolated from bats in 2013 but never publicized.
1月23日:石正麗(Shi Zheng-Li)が、2013年に研究室でコウモリから分離されたが公表されていなかった株と96%同一であるという論文を発表しました。
January 30: The WHO declares the new coronavirus a “global health emergency.”
Jan. 31, 2020: A group of Indian scientists publishes a study finding HIV sequences in the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. The scientists withdraw the study within 24 hours, presumably under some pressure.
2020年1月31日 インドの科学者のグループが、2019-nCoVコロナウイルスにHIV配列を発見した研究を発表する。科学者たちは、おそらく何らかの圧力の下で、24時間以内に研究を撤回する。
February 4: Sixty-seven year-old scientist Dr. Frank Plummer, head until 2015 of Canada’s level-4 National Microbiology Laboratory, dies under mysterious circumstances while in Nairobi, Kenya. During the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s, Plummer told the New York Times that 60% of “probable” and “suspected” SARS cases had failed the test needed to confirm a link between coronavirus and SARS: “[W]hether it is the entire explanation for SARS I am just not sure yet.”
February 4: With just 11 people in the U.S. who are confirmed to have COVID-19, HHS issues a Declaration, published on March 17 in the Federal Register, that places the new coronavirus under the umbrella of the 2005 PREP Act, making medical countermeasures (including vaccines) immune from liability.
February 5: Bill and Melinda Gates announce $100 million in funding for coronavirus vaccine research and treatment efforts.
February 10: French and Canadian scientists publish a paper about the new coronavirus describing an “important” anomaly—12 additional nucleotides—not observed in previous coronaviruses. They suggest that the distinct feature “may provide a gain-of-function . . . for efficient spreading in the human population.”
2月10日:フランスとカナダの科学者たちが、「重要な」12 個のヌクレオチドが追加されたという、これまでのコロナウイルスでは観察されなかった異常を記述した新しいコロナウイルスについての論文を発表しました。彼らは、この明確な特徴が、"ヒトの集団に効率的に拡散するための機能を提供する可能性がある "と示唆しています。
February 11: The WHO gives the disease thought to be caused by the new coronavirus a name: “COVID-19.” WHO’s Director-General explains, “We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the disease.”
2月11日:WHOは新型コロナウイルスが原因と考えられるこの病気に "COVID-19 "という名前を付けました。WHOの事務局長は、"地理的な場所や動物、個人や集団を指すものではなく、発音しやすく、病気に関連した名前を見つけなければならなかった "と説明しています。
February 24: Moderna, Inc. sends the first batch of its experimental coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, to its research partner, NIAID.
February 25: Moderna stock shares trade 15% higher.
February 29: The U.S. reports its first COVID-19 death.
March 5: Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor College (who has previously tried to develop a SARS vaccine) tells a Congressional Committee that coronavirus vaccines have always had a “unique potential safety problem”—a “kind of paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon.”
3月5日:ベイラー大学のピーター・ホテス博士(以前にSARSワクチンの開発を試みたことがある)は、コロナウイルスワクチンには常に "ユニークな潜在的な安全性の問題"-"一種の逆説的な免疫増強現象"-があることを議会委員会に伝えました。
March 6: President Trump signs an $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus spending package, much of which “directly benefit[s] the drug industry.”
March 10: Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia expresses concerns about the push to “rush [a vaccine] through,” particularly in the absence of “any history of making a coronavirus vaccine.”
3月10日:フィラデルフィア小児病院のPaul Offit博士は、特に "コロナウイルスワクチンを作ってきた歴史がない中で、"ワクチンを急ぐ "という押し付けに懸念を表明しています。
March 10: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and Mastercard commit $125 million to identify, assess, develop and scale up COVID-19 treatments, forming the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator. The $50 million in Gates Foundation funding is part of the $100 million in COVID-19 funding announced by Gates on February 5.
3月10日:ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウェルカム、マスターカードは、COVID-19治療薬の特定、評価、開発、スケールアップのために1億2500万ドルを約束し、COVID-19 Therapeutics Acceleratorを形成。ゲイツ財団の5,000万ドルの資金提供は、ゲイツが2月5日に発表したCOVID-19の1億ドルの資金提供の一部です。
March 11: The WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic.
March 13: Bill Gates steps down from the Boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway to “dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities.”
3月13日:ビル・ゲイツはマイクロソフトとバークシャー・ハサウェイの取締役会を辞任し、"慈善活動の優先事項にもっと時間を割く "ことにしました。
March 16: Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, scientific advisor to the UK government, publishes his computer simulations warning that there will be over two million COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. unless the country adopts “intensive and socially disruptive measures.”
March 16: Dr. Fauci tells Americans that they must be prepared to “take more drastic steps” and “hunker down significantly” to slow the coronavirus’s spread.
March 16: NIAID launches a Phase 1 trial in 45 healthy adults of the mRNA-1273 coronavirus vaccine co-developed by NIAID and Moderna, Inc. The trial skips the customary step of testing the vaccine in animal models prior to proceeding to human trials.
3月16日:NIAID、NIAID と Moderna, Inc.が共同開発した mRNA-1273 コロナウイルスワクチンの第 1 相試験を健常成人 45 名を対象に開始。この試験では、ヒト試験に進む前に動物モデルでワクチンを試験するという慣例的なステップをスキップしています。
March 17:The Nation publishes an analysis covering conflicts of interest in the Gates Foundation’s charitable giving, describing “close to $2 billion in tax-deductible charitable donations to private companies,” including GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and “close to $250 million in charitable grants . . . to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds,” including Merck, GSK, Sanofi and other pharmaceutical corporations. A critic states that the foundation has “created one of the most problematic precedents in the history of foundation giving by essentially opening the door for corporations to see themselves as deserving charity claimants at a time when corporate profits are at an all-time high.”
3月17日:The Nationは、ゲイツ財団の慈善寄付における利益相反に関する分析を発表し、グラクソ・スミスクライン(GSK)を含む「民間企業への税金控除の対象となる20億ドル近い慈善寄付」と、メルク、GSK、サノフィなどの製薬会社を含む「財団が株式や債券を保有している企業への2億5000万ドル近い慈善助成金」について説明しています。ある評論家は、この財団は「企業の利益が過去最高を記録している時期に、企業が自分たちを慈善事業の権利者とみなすための扉を開くことで、財団の寄付の歴史の中で最も問題のある前例を作ってしまった」と述べています。
March 22: U.S. bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle repeats earlier statements that the purpose of Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) labs such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology “is the research, development, testing and stockpiling of offensive biological weapons” and that the new virus is a “weaponized” SARS coronavirus that leaked out of the Wuhan BSL-4 lab.
March 24: Bill Gates announces significant funding for a company, EarthNow, that will blanket Earth with $1 billion in video surveillance satellites.
March 26: Microsoft announces that it is acquiring Affirmed Networks, a company focused on 5G and “edge computing.”
3月26日:マイクロソフトが5Gと "エッジコンピューティング "に特化したAffirmed Networks社を買収すると発表。
March 26: Dr. Fauci publishes an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (with senior NIAID official H. Clifford Lane and CDC director Robert Redfield), stating that “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza,” with a case fatality rate of perhaps 0.1%.
3月26日:ファウチ博士がNew England Journal of Medicine誌に社説を発表(NIAIDの高官H. Clifford Lane氏、CDCのRobert Redfield長官と共に)、「Covid-19の全体的な臨床的影響は、最終的には重度の季節性インフルエンザに近いものになるかもしれない」と述べ、致死率はおそらく0.1%であった。
March 27: President Trump signs the $2 trillion CARES Act into law.
March 27: Children’s Health Defense publishes its video and article, “Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 priorities: therapeutics now or vaccines later?” Shortly thereafter, Mailchimp deactivates CHD’s account with no advance notice and no violation of Mailchimp’s rules.
3月27日:Children's Health Defenseが動画と記事 "Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 priorities: therapeutics now or vaccines later? "を公開。その後まもなく、Mailchimpは事前通知もMailchimpのルール違反もなく、CHDのアカウントを非アクティブ化。
March 29: President Trump extends nationwide social distancing guidelines until April 30.
March 31: White House coronavirus advisors Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Fauci cite models showing a potential 100,000 to 240,000 coronavirus deaths “even if the country keeps stringent social distancing guidelines in place.” Fauci describes social distancing and lockdowns as “inconvenient” but “the answer to our problems.”
3月31日:ホワイトハウスのコロナウイルスアドバイザーDeborah Birx博士とファウチ博士は、10万人から24万人のコロナウイルス死亡の可能性を示すモデルを引用しています。"たとえ国が厳格な社会的距離を保つためのガイドラインを適所に維持したとしても" ファウチ氏は社会的距離を置くこととロックダウンを "不便なもの "と表現していますが、"我々の問題への答え "となっています。
April 2: Bill Gates states that a coronavirus vaccine “is the only thing that will allow us to return to normal.”
4月2日:ビル・ゲイツは、コロナウイルスワクチンが "正常な状態に戻るための唯一の手段である "と述べています。
April 3: Forbes reports that Moderna’s CEO has become an overnight billionaire after the company ended 2019 with a net loss.
April 6: Dr. Fauci describes a COVID-19 vaccine as a “showstopper” and states, “I hope we don’t have so many people infected that we actually have . . . herd immunity.”
4月6日:ファウチ博士はCOVID-19ワクチンを "ショーストッパー "と表現し、"私たちが実際に持っているように多くの人々が感染しないことを願っています... ...群集免疫 "と述べています。
April 9: Dr. Fauci states that the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus “looks more like the 60,000 [range],” adding the “models are really only as good as the assumptions that you put into the model.”
4月9日:ファウチ博士は、コロナウイルスによる米国の死亡者数が「6万人の範囲のように見える」と述べ、"モデルは本当にあなたがモデルに入れた仮定の範囲内でしか良いものではない "と付け加えました。
April 9: The Gates-funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) reports that 115 COVID-19 vaccines are in the pipeline.
4月9日:ゲイツが資金提供しているCoalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations(CEPI)は、115種のCOVID-19ワクチンがパイプラインに入っていると報告している。
April 9: Children’s Health Defense publishes “Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda: a win-win for pharma and mandatory vaccination.”
4月9日:Children's Health Defenseが "ゲイツのグローバリスト・ワクチン・アジェンダ:製薬会社と強制接種のウィンウィン "を発表。
April 11: Children’s Health Defense publishes “Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity… Are you willing to take the risk?”
4月11日:Children's Health Defenseが "There's why Bill Gates wants indemnity... Are you willing to take risk? "を掲載しました。
April 15: Bill Gates pledges another $150 million to coronavirus vaccine development and other measures. He states, “There are seven billion people on the planet. We are going to need to vaccinate nearly every one.”
April 16: Moderna announces up to $483 million in funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to speed up the mRNA-1273 vaccine’s development.
April 18: Professor Luc Montagnier, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of HIV, appears on French television and states that SARS-CoV-2 has been “manipulated” to include “added sequences” from HIV. Professor Montagnier asserts that this “meticulous” insertion could only have been carried out in a laboratory. Others raise similar questions about the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
April 18: News outlets report that the country’s first coronavirus tests are ineffective due to CDC lab contamination and the CDC’s violation of its manufacturing standards.
April 21: Washington State announces plans to have a 1,500-person contact tracing team in place by mid-May.
April 23: Researchers issue a preprint reporting “direct evidence” of at least 30 different SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants.
April 23: News outlets report that American billionaires’ wealth increased by 10% during the first few months of COVID-19.
April 23: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publishes “The Bill Gates effect: WHO’s DTP vaccine killed more children in Africa than the diseases it targeted.”
4月23日:子どもの健康擁護委員長ロバート・F・ケネディJr.が "ビル・ゲイツ効果 "を発表。WHOのDTPワクチンは、アフリカで対象とした病気よりも多くの子どもたちを殺した。"
April 24: The NIH cancels the funding awarded to EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research on coronaviruses (funding awarded continuously since 2015). The NIH and Dr. Fauci decline to comment.
4月24日:NIHは、EcoHealth Allianceと武漢ウイルス研究所へのコロナウイルスの機能獲得研究のための資金提供を取り消す(2015年から継続して提供されている資金提供)。NIHとFauci博士はコメントを辞退。
April 27: Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb (now with Pfizer) and former Medicare/Medicaid official Andy Slavitt urge the Trump administration to dedicate $46 billion to contact tracing and isolation.
4月27日 元FDAのScott Gottlieb氏(現在はファイザー)と元メディケア/メディケイド職員のAndy Slavitt氏は、トランプ政権に対し、接触者の追跡と隔離に460億ドルを捧げるよう促す。
April 28: A Newsweek article reports, “Dr. Fauci backed controversial Wuhan lab with U.S. dollars for risky coronavirus research.” Fauci does not respond to requests for comments.
4月28日:Newsweekの記事によると、"ファウチ博士、U.S.ドルで物議を醸している武漢の研究室を危険なコロナウイルス研究のためにバックアップした "とのこと。ファウチ博士はコメントを求められても応じない。
April 29: Bloomberg publishes a story about President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” a planned pharmaceutical-government-military collaboration to shrink the development time for a coronavirus vaccine.
April 30: Bill Gates writes that “the world will be able to go back to the way things were . . . when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.” Gates also states that “Governments will need to expedite their usual drug approval processes in order to deliver the vaccine to over 7 billion people quickly.”
4月30日:ビル・ゲイツは、「世界は昔のように戻ることができるだろう」と書いています。地球上のほぼすべての人がコロナウイルスのワクチンを接種されたときに」と書いています。ゲイツはまた、"政府は、70億人以上の人々にワクチンを迅速に届けるために、通常の医薬品承認プロセスを迅速化する必要があるだろう "と述べています。
April 30: Dr. Fauci states that it is “doable” to have hundreds of millions of doses of a coronavirus vaccine available by January 2021.
May 1: Dr. Thomas Inglesby (director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security), discussing gain-of-function research, states that “laboratory systems are not infallible, and even in the greatest laboratories of the world, there are mistakes.”
5月1日:Thomas Inglesby博士(ジョンズ・ホプキンス健康安全保障センター所長)は、機能向上研究について、「実験室のシステムは完全なものではなく、世界で最も優れた実験室でさえも間違いはある」と述べています。
May 1: Democratic Representative Bobby Rush of Illinois introduces the TRACE Act (“HR 6666: COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone”). The conspicuously vague Act would allocate $100 billion to CDC-hired entities for contact tracing and “other purposes,” including family separation. (See also May 15.)
5月1日:イリノイ州の民主党下院議員ボビー・ラッシュがTRACE法(「HR 6666: COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone」)を導入。この曖昧な法律は、CDCが雇用する事業体に1000億ドルを割り当て、接触者の追跡や家族の分離を含む「その他の目的」のために使用するものである(5月15日も参照のこと)。5月15日も参照のこと。
May 4: Bill Gates pledges another $50 million toward COVID-19, for a total of $300 million in commitments.
May 4: President Trump states that the U.S. will have a coronavirus vaccine by the end of 2020.
May 5: British and French researchers publish “Emergence of genomic diversity and recurrent mutations in SARS-CoV-2,” suggesting that the recurrent mutations detected “may indicate ongoing adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 to its novel human host.”
5月5日:イギリスとフランスの研究者が "Emergence of genomic diversity and recurrent mutations in SARS-CoV-2 "を発表し、検出された再発変異が "SARS-CoV-2の新しいヒト宿主への継続的な適応を示唆している可能性がある "ことを示唆しています。
May 5: Neil Ferguson resigns from the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) after flouting his own social distancing rules. The married lover with whom Ferguson has his trysts works for an organization “loosely connected with Bill Gates, through the World Economic Forum.”
5月5日:ニール・ファーガソンは、イギリス政府の緊急事態のための科学諮問グループ(SAGE)を辞職し、自身の社会的距離を置くルールを破った。ファーガソンが交際していた既婚者の恋人は、"ビル・ゲイツと世界経済フォーラムを通じてゆるやかにつながっている "組織で働いていた。
May 5: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publishes “Redfield and Birx: can they be trusted with COVID?”
5月5日:子供の健康防衛委員長ロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニアが "Redfield and Birx: can be trusted with COVID? "を発表。
May 6: An anonymous software engineer (ex-Google) pronounces Neil Ferguson’s COVID-19 computer model “unusable for scientific purposes.”
5月6日:匿名のソフトウェアエンジニア(元グーグル)が、ニール・ファーガソンのCOVID-19コンピュータモデルを "科学的な目的には使えない "と宣言。
May 6: New York governor Andrew Cuomo announces that the state will partner with “visionary” Bill Gates to restructure education by placing “technology at the forefront.” Cuomo appoints former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to lead a blue-ribbon committee for this purpose. Critics push back, describing past Gates-Foundation-funded educational fiascos that amassed “detailed personal information about millions of students” in the cloud.
5月6日:ニューヨーク州のアンドリュー・クオモ知事は、"先見の明のある "ビル・ゲイツと提携し、"テクノロジーを最前線に置くことで教育を再構築する "と発表。クオモは、この目的のために、元グーグルCEOのエリック・シュミットをブルーリボン委員会のリーダーに任命する。批評家は、過去にゲイツ財団が資金提供した教育の大失敗について、「何百万人もの学生の詳細な個人情報」がクラウドに蓄積されていたことを説明し、反発する。
May 7: Business Insider reports that over 33 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the seven-week period since COVID-19 restrictions began.
5月7日:Business Insiderによると、COVID-19の制限が始まってから7週間で3,300万人以上のアメリカ人が失業申請をしている。
May 7: NPR reports that 44 states and the District of Columbia have plans to deploy a contact tracing workforce of over 66,000 workers.
May 8: NBC News releases a private report describing an unconfirmed shutdown of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in October 2019.
May 8: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dafna Tachover (director of CHD’s “Stop 5G and Wireless Harms Project”) publish “The brave new world of Bill Gates and Big Telecom.”
5月8日:Children's Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.とDafna Tachover(CHDの "Stop 5G and Wireless Harms Project "のディレクター)が "The brave new world of Bill Gates and Big Telecom "を出版。
May 9: A German Interior Ministry official leaks a 93-page report denouncing Covid-19 as a “global false alarm” and warning that Covid-19-related restrictions will be responsible for “grave,” “manifold” and “heavy” consequences.
May 11: UK chief medical officer Dr. Chris Whitty (an insider who has received millions in malaria research funding from the Gates Foundation and who endorses stigma as a useful public health intervention) states that COVID-19 is “harmless to [the] vast majority.”
5月11日:英国の最高医療責任者クリス・ウィッティ博士(ゲイツ財団から数百万ドルのマラリア研究資金を得ており、公衆衛生上有用な介入としての汚名を支持しているインサイダー)は、COVID-19は "大多数の人には無害 "であると述べています。
May 13: Australian researchers report that “SARS-CoV-2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising important questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins might lie elsewhere.”
5月13日:オーストラリアの研究者たちは、"SARS-CoV-2は人間に感染するように特異的に適応しており、それが自然界でまれな偶然の出来事によって生じたのか、それともその起源が他の場所にあるのかという重要な疑問を提起している "と報告しています。
May 14: Microsoft announces that it is acquiring UK-based Metaswitch Networks “to expand its Azure 5G strategy.”
5月14日:マイクロソフトは、"Azure 5G戦略を拡大するために "英国に拠点を置くMetaswitch Networksを買収すると発表。
May 14: University of Oxford researchers announce “promising” results from tests of their experimental Covid-19 vaccine in monkeys, not dwelling on the fact that all six vaccinated monkeys became infected when subsequently exposed to the coronavirus.
May 15: The House passes the 1,815-page, $3 trillion HEROES Act (“Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act”), sneaking in portions of the TRACE ACT that would funnel $75 billion to the CDC for “coronavirus testing, contact tracing and isolation measures.”
5月15日:下院は1,815ページ、3兆ドルのHEROES法("Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act")を可決します。
May 18: Moderna announces interim results from the Phase 1 trial of its mRNA-1273 coronavirus vaccine. The company reports that three out of 15 healthy participants (20%) experienced Grade 3 systemic adverse events following a second dose. (The Merck Manual defines Grade 3 as “severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated; disabling; limiting self care.”)
May 18: Discussing the interim results from Moderna’s Phase 1 trial of its mRNA-1273 vaccine—co-developed with NIAID—Dr. Fauci states: “I must warn that there’s also the possibility of negative consequences, where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effect of the infection.”
May 18: After describing its interim Phase 1 results as “promising,” shares of Moderna stock soar 25%, closing at a “record high.” The company’s stock has gained 241% since the beginning of 2020.
May 19: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publishes “How Bill Gates controls global messaging and censorship.”
5月19日:子供たちの健康を守る会のロバート・F・ケネディ会長が "ビル・ゲイツがグローバルなメッセージングと検閲をいかにコントロールするか "を発表。
May 20: Microsoft announces its new supercomputer intended to create “human-like” artificial intelligence.
5月20日:マイクロソフト、"人間のような "人工知能を生み出すことを意図した新しいスーパーコンピューターを発表。
July 16: Saudi researchers publish a preprint reviewing “precautionary actions” taken by 175 countries in response to Covid-19, including lockdowns, school closures and curfews. They report that few countries have benefited from applying these measures.
July 20: Researchers publish a study in The Lancet indicating that a single dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine—compared in Phase 3 clinical trials against a meningitis (MenACWY) vaccine rather than against an inert placebo—has a higher “reactogenicity profile” (a stronger inflammatory response) than the meningitis vaccine. Reactogenicity includes both injection-site reactions and systemic reactions. The soi-disant “less reactogenic” MenACWY vaccines are associated (in manufacturers’ package inserts) with a wide variety of serious adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis, appendicitis, fainting, Kawasaki disease, seizures and sepsis.
7月20日:研究者たちは、オックスフォード/アストラゼネカ社のコビド-19ワクチンの単回投与で、不活性プラセボではなく髄膜炎ワクチン(MenACWY)との第3相臨床試験で比較した結果、髄膜炎ワクチンよりも高い「反応原性プロファイル」(より強い炎症反応)が得られたことを示す研究をThe Lancet誌に発表しました。反応原性は、注射部位反応と全身反応の両方が含まれます。ソイディサントの「反応原性が低い」MenACWYワクチンは、アナフィラキシー、虫垂炎、失神、川崎病、痙攣、敗血症を含む様々な重篤な有害反応と関連しています(メーカーのパッケージに記載されています)。
August 29: The New York Times states that “up to 90 percent of people testing positive [for coronavirus] carried barely any virus,” diagnosing “huge numbers of people” who “are not likely to be contagious.”
8月29日:ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、"コロナウイルスに陽性反応を示した人の最大90%がほとんどウイルスを持っていなかった "とし、"伝染する可能性のない膨大な数の人々 "を診断したとしています。
September 8: NPR reports that eating disorders are “thriving” during Covid-19 and pose a “lethal threat,” with a 70%-80% increase in calls to hotlines, increased binge-eating episodes and worsening symptoms in 62% of those with anorexia.
9月8日:NPRは、摂食障害はCovid-19の間に "繁盛している "と報告し、ホットラインへの電話の70%から80%の増加、暴食エピソードの増加、拒食症の人の62%で症状が悪化するという "致命的な脅威 "をもたらしています。
September 8: AstraZeneca calls a global timeout for the Phase 3 clinical trials of its experimental Covid-19 vaccine (co-developed with the University of Oxford) when one of the previously healthy participants experiences and is hospitalized for a “suspected serious adverse reaction.” AstraZeneca denies reports that the new condition is transverse myelitis, while NIH director Francis Collins describes it as a “spinal cord problem.” The trials had been taking place in the UK, the United States, Brazil and South Africa.
9月8日:アストラゼネカ社は、オックスフォード大学との共同開発による実験的なコビド-19ワクチンの第3相臨床試験の世界的なタイムアウトを宣言し、それまで健康であった参加者の1人が "重篤な副作用が疑われる "という理由で入院しました。アストラゼネカは、新しい状態が横隔膜炎であるとの報告を否定しているが、NIHのフランシス・コリンズ所長は、"脊髄の問題 "と説明している。試験は英国、米国、ブラジル、南アフリカで行われていた。
September 8: The CEOs of nine companies with Covid-19 vaccines in Phase 3 clinical trials pledge not to rush their vaccines to approval and state that they will “uphold the integrity of the scientific process.” The companies include AstraZeneca, BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer and Sanofi.
9月8日:第3相臨床試験中のCovid-19ワクチンを保有する9社のCEOは、ワクチンの承認を急がないことを誓い、"科学的プロセスの完全性を守る "と表明しました。アストラゼネカ、BioNTech、グラクソ・スミスクライン、ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン、メルク、モデナ、ノバックス、ファイザー、サノフィの9社。
September 11: A CDC survey reports that two in five Americans had delayed or avoided medical care (as of June 30) due to Covid-19, including urgent or emergency care.
September 12: AstraZeneca and Oxford announce that they will restart Phase 3 clinical trials of their Covid-19 vaccine in the UK and Brazil but not yet in South Africa or in the 62 study sites in the U.S. Some vaccine scientists question AstraZeneca’s lack of transparency, stating that “the transparency bar should be set much higher.” AstraZeneca belatedly discloses that there was also a “brief trial pause” in July until an “independent panel” pronounced a clinical trial participant’s multiple sclerosis diagnosis “unrelated to the vaccine.” Since 2010, AstraZeneca has paid over $1 billion in fines and settlements for false claims pertaining to one product.
September 12: A senior Irish health official, Dr. Martin Feeley, accuses the media of engaging in “scaremongering” and states that the media reaction to Covid-19 “borders on hysteria.” The surgeon also asserts that “draconian” restrictions are not justified and calls attention to the restrictions’ impact on quality of life.
9月12日:アイルランドの高官であるマーティン・フィーリー博士は、メディアが "scareemongering "に従事していることを非難し、Covid-19に対するメディアの反応は "ヒステリーの境界線上にある "と述べています。外科医はまた、"超法規的な "制限は正当化されていないと主張し、制限が生活の質に与える影響に注意を呼びかけています。
September 14: Bill Gates’ father, William Gates, Sr.—who helped launch and steer the Gates Foundation’s focus on global health—dies at age 94.
9月14日:ビル・ゲイツ氏の父、ウィリアム・ゲイツ氏(ゲイツ財団の立ち上げに貢献し、世界の健康に焦点を当てた活動の指揮を執った人物)が 94 歳で死去。
September 15: Bill Gates singles out Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine as a frontrunner, stating that it is “the only vaccine that if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October.”
9月15 日:ビル・ゲイツ氏は、ファイザー社の Covid-19 ワクチンを最有力候補として挙げ、「もしすべてがうまくいけば、10 月末までに緊急使用許可を申請する可能性がある唯一のワクチン」だと述べました。
September 16: HHS’s top spokesman takes a leave of absence after stating on social media that CDC scientists “don’t want America to get well.”
9月16日:HHSのトップ・スポークスマンは、CDCの科学者が "アメリカが元気になることを望んでいない "とソーシャルメディア上で述べた後、休暇を取得しました。
September 17: Vaccine biotech company Ufovax announces that its Covid-19 nanoparticle vaccine candidate will enter Phase 1 trials. The vaccine relies on a “self-assembling protein nanoparticle” vaccine design.
9月17日:ワクチン・バイオテクノロジー企業の Ufovax は、同社の Covid-19 ナノ粒子ワクチン候補が第 1 相試験に入ることを発表。このワクチンは、「自己組織化タンパク質ナノ粒子」ワクチンの設計に依存している。
September 17: Moderna declares its intention to seek Emergency Use Authorization for its mRNA Covid-19 vaccine for use in “high-risk groups” if its vaccine demonstrates at least 70% efficacy.
9月17日: Modernaは、mRNAワクチンであるCovid-19ワクチンが少なくとも70%の有効性を示した場合には、「高リスク群」への使用を目的とした緊急使用許可を申請する意向を表明しました。
September 17: The Pew Research Center reports that only 21% of Americans say they would “definitely” get a coronavirus vaccine, down from 42% in May. According to the survey, 77% of Americans also think it’s “very or somewhat likely” that a U.S. vaccine will be approved prematurely—“before its safety and effectiveness are fully understood.”
9月17日:Pew Research Centerの報告によると、コロナウイルスワクチンを「絶対に」受けると答えたアメリカ人は21%にとどまり、5月の42%から減少した。調査によると、77%のアメリカ人はまた、米国のワクチンが早期に承認される可能性が "非常に、またはやや高い "と考えています-"その安全性と有効性が完全に理解される前に"